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Creating an IBM SVDI agent for ITM using ITM Agent Builder 6.2

You can use the steps listed in the example shown here to create an IBM SVDI agent for ITM using ITM Agent Builder 6.2.

The ITM Agent Builder is an Eclipse based platform for creating ITM Agents. The Agent that we will create for this example uses the JMX interface. From the ITM Agent Builder choose File -> New -> IBM Tivoli Monitoring Agent.

The ITM Agent Wizard will show up. The first step is an introduction - click Next. On the second step you will be asked to enter a project name. In this example we will use "SVDI" as project name. Clicking Next brings us to the following step:

Figure 1. ITM Agent wizard Agent information

Agent wizard

Specify the appropriate data in all the fields. The Product code should be between K80 and K99 for JMX agents. click Next. On the next step check the This agent will gather data from an external data source. option and click Next. On this step the data source definition window is displayed:

Figure 2. ITM Agent wizard, Data source definition

Data source definition

In order to make this step easier to configure start an IBM® Security Verify Directory Integrator Server in daemon mode and run an AL that never ends (for example an AL with an HTTP Server Connector listening for connections). Make sure the JMX API is enabled in IBM® Security Verify Directory Integrator (there is a description on how to do this later in the example).

Click the New Data Source ... button and then choose the Collect data from Java Management Extensions (JMX) MBeans option. Click Next. On the next window click Browse which should display the JMX Browser:

Figure 3. JMX Browser

JMX Browser

Click the Edit Connection Definitions button (the green plus button). On the next step select Standard JMX Connections (JSR-160) and click Next. The new wizard window will display the available templates. Select JSR-160 -Compliant Server and again click Next to see the Connection properties of the JMX Server.

Figure 4. Server Connection wizard

Server Connection wizard

In order to establish a successful connection with the IBM® Security Verify Directory Integrator JMX Service you will need to enter a valid JMX Service URL (the default IBM® Security Verify Directory Integrator JMX Service URL is service:jmx:rmi://localhost/jndi/rmi://localhost:1099/jmxconnector) and to configure the jar dependencies that are required for successful JMX MBeans creation (for the IBM® Security Verify Directory Integrator JMX MBeans you will need the jar files in

TDI_install_dir\jars\3rdparty\IBM; TDI_install_dir\jars\3rdparty\others;

TDI_install_dir\jars\common directories). You can test these settings by clicking the Test Connection button. If the whole configuration is correct a message like this will be displayed: "The server connection was successful."

After this setup click Finish. The wizard should bring us the previous configuration step, but this time connected to the IBM® Security Verify Directory Integrator JMX Server and will display additional information:

Figure 5. Browsing IBM® Security Verify Directory Integrator in JMX Browser

Browsing in JMX Browser

Select the

type MBean Key Property and

AssemblyLine from the type values. To see the MBean Attributes you need to select a row in the table above them. In our case there is only one row. Click OK and then Finish to complete the setup of this data source.

Create one more data source with type value ConfigInstance in the same way we created the AssemblyLine data source. These two data sources will gather information from the JMX Server for running AssemblyLines and started Configuration Instances.

The third data source is a little different from the other two. It is a kind of listener which listens for notifications (events) sent by the IBM® Security Verify Directory Integrator JMX Server. To create one like that, after clicking the New Data Source... button, you do not need to browse the JMX Server but simply enter *:type=Notifier,* for MBean pattern and click Finish. Two data sources will be created - one for the notification part and one for the static MBean part. Since we do not need the static part for this data source we need to remove it; right-click and select Remove Data Source(s).

After completing these steps we should have three data sources created:

Figure 6. ITM Wizard, completed Data Source Definition

Completed Data Source Definition

Expand the AssemblyLine data source and double-click the ConfigInstance attribute. In the ConfigInstance attribute configuration check the key attribute check box.

Expand the ConfigInstance data source and double-click the ConfigId attribute. In the ConfigId attribute configuration check the key attribute check box.

Click Next in order to configure the JMX Agent - Wide Options. Clear the JMX monitor attribute groups check box and select JSR-160-Compliant Server from the Server configuration choices.

Figure 7. JMX Agent-wide options

JMX Agent-wide options

Click Finish to complete the ITM Agent creation steps and save the Agent.