The Project Builder
A custom project builder is associated with the project whose purpose is to assemble all artifacts into a runnable configuration file.
This builder can be run automatically whenever a resource changes, or manually through the standard
Project > Build menu item. Either way, the IBM® Security Verify Directory Integrator project builder maintains a configuration file that is updated when it is invoked. When a resource has been changed (modified, added or removed) the builder will update the runnable configuration file with that resource update. Only recognized configuration files will be acted upon; that is, AssemblyLines but not .gif files for example. The runnable configuration file is usually hidden since the file name starts with a dot (.). The file is named .rs.xml, located under the project folder. This is the compiled configuration file that is sent to an IBM® Security Verify Directory Integrator server for execution.
The builder will relocate and rename components in the target configuration. If the Resources folder contains both properties and connectors, they will be relocated to their standard folders in the target configuration (that is, Properties and Connectors folder).
The project builder also checks all modified components for obvious errors and potential problems. These problems are logged to the standard Eclipse Problems view. Each problem item contains a description of the problem as well as the location so you can double-click and activate the editor where the problem was identified.