Examples of SCIM operations
You can use the SCIM operations to search, create, modify, or delete users and groups in various scenarios.
Example 1
To get a list of all users, send the following request:
GET /users
Example 2
The following example shows how to get a list of all users but include only the
displayName and
id attributes. It also limits the result to the users from numbers 11 - 20.
GET /users?attributes=displayName,id&count=10&startIndex=11
"schemas": [
"Resources": [
"displayName":"Alexander Shelton"
"displayName":"Andy Walker"
"displayName":"Alan White"
"displayName":"Alan Worrell"
"displayName":"Barbara Francis"
"displayName":"Bjorn Free"
"displayName":"Barbara Hall"
"displayName":"Benjamin Hall"
"displayName":"Barbara Jablonski"
"displayName":"Bjorn Jensen"
Example 3
The following example gets a list of all users where the familyName starts with k.
GET /users?filter=name.familyName sw “k”
"schemas": [
"Resources": [
"meta": {
"displayName":"Ashley Knutson",
"name": {
"phoneNumbers": [
"value":"+1 408 555 2169"
"value":"+1 408 555 4774"
"emails": [
"meta": {
"displayName":"Elba Kohler",
"name": {
"phoneNumbers": [
"value":"+1 408 555 1926"
"value":"+1 408 555 9332"
"emails": [
"meta": {
"displayName":"Sue Kelleher",
"name": {
"phoneNumbers": [
"value":"+1 408 555 3480"
"value":"+1 408 555 8721"
"emails": [
"meta": {
"displayName":"Timothy Kelly",
"name": {
"phoneNumbers": [
"value":"+1 408 555 4295"
"value":"+1 408 555 1992"
"emails": [
Example 4
The following example shows how to search for the user with the id 2064f364-260b-4c29-8c28-b12583486ca3.
GET /users/2064f364-260b-4c29-8c28-b12583486ca3
"meta": {
"displayName":"Andy Bergin",
"name": {
"phoneNumbers": [
"value":"+1 408 555 8585"
"value":"+1 408 555 7472"
"emails": [
"groups": [
"display":"QA Managers"
"schemas": [
Example 5
The following example shows how to get a list of all users created after a specified date.
GET /users?filter=meta.created gt “2013-05-17T00:00:00Z”
"schemas": [
"Resources": [
"meta": {
"displayName":"Wendy Lutz",
"name": {
"phoneNumbers": [
"value":"+1 408 555 3358"
"value":"+1 408 555 9332"
"emails": [
"meta": {
"displayName":"Wendy Lutz",
"name": {
"phoneNumbers": [
"value":"+1 408 555 3358"
"value":"+1 408 555 9332"
"emails": [
"meta": {
"displayName":"Andy Bergin Jr",
"name": {
"phoneNumbers": [
"value":"+1 408 555 8585"
"value":"+1 408 555 7472"
"emails": [
Example 6
To create a user, send the following request:
POST /users
The body must contain information about the new user in JSON format as shown in the following example:
"displayName":"Andy Bergin",
"name": {
"phoneNumbers": [
"value":"+1 408 555 8585"
"value":"+1 408 555 7472"
"emails": [
200 OK
"meta": {
"displayName":"Andy Bergin",
"name": {
"phoneNumbers": [
"value":"+1 408 555 8585"
"value":"+1 408 555 7472"
"emails": [
"schemas": [
Example 7
The following example shows how to modify a user. It changes only the displayName of the user that was created in the previous example with id b9be8c033-cf93-448e-a96b-d1290ff6d445.
PATCH /users/b9be8c033-cf93-448e-a96b-d1290ff6d445
The HTTP body must contain the following information:
"displayName":"Andy Bergin Jr"
"meta": {
"displayName":"Andy Bergin Jr",
"name": {
"phoneNumbers": [
"value":"+1 408 555 8585"
"value":"+1 408 555 7472"
"emails": [
"schemas": [
Note: To test the operations with a browser that does not have a PATCH command, you can set the value of the HTTP header X-HTTP-Method-Override to PATCH. You can also use this setting to work around firewalls that block certain HTTP methods.
Example 8
The following example shows how to delete the user with id 2064f364-260b-4c29-8c28-b12583486ca3.
DELETE /users/2064f364-260b-4c29-8c28-b12583486ca3
200 OK
Example 9
To get a list of all groups, use the following request:
GET /groups
Example 10
The following example shows how to search for a specific group by its id.
GET /groups/5653c887-1d5a-42cf-a470-6a2fe2608730
"externalID":"Accounting Managers",
"meta": {
"displayName":"Accounting Managers",
"members": [
"display":"Sam Carter"
"display":"Ted Morris"
"schemas": [
Example 11
The following example shows how to search for a group by its displayName.
GET /groups?filter=displayName eq “Accounting Managers”
"externalID":"Accounting Managers",
"meta": {
"displayName":"Accounting Managers",
"members": [
"display":"Sam Carter"
"display":"Ted Morris"
"schemas": [
Example 12
The following example shows how to create a group.
POST /groups
The body must contain the information about the new group:
"externalID":"Test Group",
"displayName":"Test Group",
"members": [
201 Created
"externalID":"Test Group",
"meta": {
"displayName":"Test Group",
"members": [
"display":"Kirsten Vaughan"
"display":"Robert Daugherty"
"schemas": [