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Did you notice how this Connector shows up blue in your AssemblyLine? This is because it is now inheriting from your resource library. This means that it will dynamically retrieve configuration settings at run-time from the Connector you dragged. This inheritance feature makes it easy to re-use resources like configured components and scripted logic across multiple AssemblyLines.

You can change the ancestor of a component with the Inherit From button at the top of its editor panel. Component tabs, like Config, Delta, Input/Output Maps and Hooks also provide an inheritance option, allowing you to set a different ancestor than that of the component itself.

Figure 1. Setting Inheritance for the Hooks tab

Setting Inheritance for the Hooks tab

Inherited values are displayed in blue type, and if you change it then inheritance is broken. Inheritance is restored by using the Revert to inherited value option in the Context menus of Attribute Map rules and Hooks.

Figure 2. Restoring inheritance for a mapping rule

Restoring inheritance for a mapping rule

Returning to the exercise again, first change the Mode setting of the new "PhoneDB" Connector now from

AddOnly to


Secondly, since the Attribute Map was originally an Output Map associated with the previous mode, you will have to discover the input schema by pressing the

Connect and

Next buttons above the Connector Schema. The third and last step is to drag the 'PHONE' Attribute from Schema over to the Input Map, giving you a simple map for this value.

Figure 3. Changing mode, discovering and mapping Attributes

Changing mode, discovering and mapping Attributes

Once you have the Input Map rule in place, it's important that you rename it from 'PHONE' to 'telephoneNo' so that it fits the assignment of the Output Map of your 'Write_XML_File' Connector.

In case you were wondering, you don't have to map in 'NAME' since you already have the name of the user. This field will instead be used when defining the search rule.