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Data Browser

The Data Browser provides an in depth look at a target system. Currently there are only the LDAP and JDBC connectors that provide extra details for a connector. The data browser is opened by right clicking a Connector in either the library or in an AssemblyLine.

In the navigator you can right click and choose Browse Data to open a new editor window where you can browse data within the current connection setup by the connector.

Figure 1. Data Browser

Data Browser, invoked from Connector library

In the AssemblyLine you can do the same and have a new window opened for the data browser:

Figure 2. Data Browser

Data Browser, invoked from AssemblyLine

  • Generic Data Browser
    This is the data browser used for those connectors that the Configuration Editor has no explicit knowledge of. It provides a simple way to browse a result set from the data source.
  • Stream Data Browser
    The stream based data browser is used when a connector uses a parser. The stream based data browser will first initialize the connector and try to obtain the input stream and show the first 20K of input data in the details tab.
  • JDBC Data Browser
    The JDBC data browser shows all tables and views in the left hand side. The details tab shows information for the selected item in that list.
  • LDAP Data Browser
    The LDAP data browser shows the schema and context prefixes (search bases) that the LDAP server provides.