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Using the Remote Configuration Editor

You can take care of the limitations of using the remote configuration editor.

Using a Remote Configuration Editor is a little different from using a local CE. When running a remote Configuration Editor to manage a Config on a remote system, you must be mindful of restrictions that apply to the CE in remote mode. Notable restrictions include:

  • When editing Config files locally, it is sufficient to have appropriate file system access (read and write) to the Config file. However, when editing a remote Config, you must have Admin privileges on the remote Config Instance.

  • When connecting to a data source (using Connect buttons in mapping windows), these connections are evaluated locally.

    For example: ldap://localhost:389 results in the Configuration Editor (CE) attempting to connect to the local LDAP server, rather than to the LDAP server on the remote computer.

  • When generating WebServices-related connectors results in function components that generate the WSDL file, .jar files (using Complex Type Generator), and so on, you are generating them locally. These components are not generated on the remote system to which the CE is connected and must be uploaded manually to the remote system for deployment.

  • The remote CE only allows editing and viewing of those Configs that are present in the folder specified by the api.config.folder property.

  • When working with System Store operations (such as deleting the Iterator state key, and so on) that are available in the CE, work with the local system store and not with the remote IBM® Security Verify Directory Integrator computer's System Store. Only when the AssemblyLine (AL) is executed does the AL connect to the remote System Store, because at AL execution time, the AL is running inside the remote JVM.

  • When you use the Parameter Substitution editor (available with Ctrl-E), the editor shows only the local properties, and not the properties set on the remote system. Similarly, creating and saving a new property store (file type) stores the property store (file) locally.

  • When using the Configuration Editor to edit remote Config files, you are subject to Server API authentication and authorization, because the CE is acting as a client application. Therefore, in order to use the CE in this way, you must have admin access on the Remote Server.

  • When using the Remote Server, the Remote Server itself must have sufficient access to the local file system where the Config files are stored. If the ConfigfFiles are stored on a read-only file system or a file storage location where the user ID under which the Remote Server is running does not have write access, you cannot edit remote Configs.