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Expressions in LinkCriteria

Expressions in Link Criteria provide a similar list of pre-defined objects. Again, note that you also have access to any other objects or variables currently defined in the AssemblyLine’s script engine.

Object Significance
config The component’s Interface configuration object
mc The MetamergeConfig object of the Config instance (config.getMetamergeConfig())
work The Work entry of the AssemblyLine
task The component itself, or a named component
alcomponent The Connector or Function Component

Table 1. Pre-defined objects for use in Expressions in LinkCriteria

So, for example, let’s say that you want to set up the Link Criteria for a Connector so that the Attribute to use in the match is determined at run time. In addition to standard data Attributes in the Work entry, there is also a matchAtt Attribute with the string value “uid”. In this case, the following Expression used in Link Criteria:

{work.matchAtt}     EQUALS  {work.uid}

is equivalent to this:

uid      EQUALS  $uid