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Assorted Connectors

In a situation where backlog gets full and does not accepts any new connections, use the workaround provided here to resolve this.

This section documents the following issues:

  • Axis Easy Web Service Server Connector.
  • Inconsistency across Secure Socket Layer (SSL) clients.


On initialization the AxisEasyWSServerConnector opens a server socket to accept connections from clients. In the listening state, the server socket adds each incoming client connection request to an internal queue called a backlog. If client requests arrive at a faster rate than the server program "accepts" them, the backlog starts getting populated. Eventually the backlog is full and newly arrived clients are refused a connection to the server.


Try increasing the value of the Connection Backlog parameter in the server mode connector. The maximum backlog size depends on the platform. For example, on Windows XP Professional the maximum limit for the backlog size is 200, so any backlog size above 200 will have no effect. Slow down the arrival of client connection requests. Use an IBM® Security Verify Directory Integrator script to introduce a time delay between clients as they start. The goal is to bring client request arrival speed below the servicing speed of the server.