Server API access options
You can learn different ways of accessing the server API through the information provided here.
The Server API can be used in a variety of ways:
Access the Server API from the Remote Configuration Editor through a network connection
Access the Server API from IBM® Security Verify Directory Integrator components running in a remote IBM® Security Verify Directory Integrator server (remote Server API access). Examples of such components are:
- System Queue Connector
- Server Notifications Connector
and so on.
Access the Server API from within the same Java™ Virtual Machine of the IBM® Security Verify Directory Integrator Server (local Server API access); in this case the Server API can be reached from JavaScript in hooks or from the Script Component in addition to the options above.
Access the Server API from non-IBM® Security Verify Directory Integrator Java applications. For this to work:
- Java 7.0.4 or higher is required on the client side.
- The following jar files must be included in the CLASSPATH of the remote side:
- jars/common/diserverapi.jar
- jars/common/diserverapirmi.jar
- jars/3rdparty/others/log4j-1.2.16.jar
- jars/common/miconfig.jar
- jars/common/miserver.jar
- jars/common/mmconfig.jar
- jars/common/tdiresource.jar
- jars/3rdparty/IBM/icu4j-50_1_1.jar
- jars/3rdparty/IBM/jlog.jar
You can copy these jar files from the IBM® Security Verify Directory Integrator installation.
- If custom non-IBM® Security Verify Directory Integrator objects are used in the solution being implemented with the Server API (for example as Attribute values of an Entry that is transferred over the wire) the corresponding Java classes have to be available on the client side as well. These classes must be serializable and they have to be included in the CLASSPATH of the client JVM.