Supported macros for customizing an authentication login form

You can customize an authentication login form with a set macros that are supported by SAML 2.0.

Security Verify Access supplies contextual authentication parameters so that you can customize login forms. The contextual authentication parameters are passed to the web reverse proxy as query string parameters.

Table 1 shows the list of macros names and the name of the query string parameter in which the contextual information is passed to the web reverse proxy login page.

Specify a list of these comma-separated macros in the authentication.macros callback parameter. See Callback parameters and values.

Table 1. Macros for customizing the login form
Macro Query-String Parameter name Description
%FEDID% FedId Specifies the unique identifier of the federation.
%FEDNAME% FedName Specifies the user-assigned name of the federation.
%PARTNERID% PartnerId Specifies the provider ID of the partner.
%TARGET% Target Specifies the target URL at the partner.
%SPRELAYSTATE% SPRelayState Specifies the RelayState data that accompanies the SAML authentication request.
%ACSURL% AssertionConsumerURL Specifies the assertion consumer service URL of the partner.
%AUTHNCONTEXT% AuthnContext Specifies the RequestedAuthnContext in the SAML authentication request.
%SSOREQUEST% SSORequest Specifies the base-64 encoded form of SAML authentication request.
%FORCEAUTHN% ForceAuthn Specifies ForceAuthn in SAML authentication request.