SQL Server

Available when using an authoring Data Collector version 4.0.0 or later.

To create a SQL Server connection, the JDBC stage library, streamsets-datacollector-jdbc-lib, must be installed on the selected authoring Data Collector.

For a description of the SQL Server connection properties, see SQL Server Connection Properties.

After you create an SQL Server connection, you can use the connection in the following stages:
Engine Stages

Data Collector 4.0.0 or later

  • SQL Server CDC Client origin
  • SQL Server Change Tracking origin
Transformer 4.0.0 or later
  • SQL Server JDBC Table origin

SQL Server Connection Properties

When creating a SQL Server connection, configure the following properties on the JDBC tab:
SQL Server JDBC Properties  
JDBC Connection String Connection string used to connect to the database.
Use Credentials Enables entering credentials. Use when you do not include credentials in the JDBC connection string.
If you configured the connection to enter JDBC credentials separately from the JDBC connection string, then configure the following properties on the Credentials tab:
Credentials Property Description
Username User name for the JDBC connection. The user account must have the correct permissions or privileges in the database.
Password Password for the account.
Tip: To secure sensitive information, you can use credential stores or runtime resources.