Subscriptions Overview

A subscription listens for Control Hub events and then completes an action when those events occur. For example, you can create a subscription that sends a message to a Slack channel or emails an administrator each time a job status changes.

You configure the following components for each subscription:

A subscription is triggered by a Control Hub event - such as a changed job status, a triggered data SLA, or a registered Data Collector that has stopped responding. You can create a subscription for a single event type.

You can also define conditions to filter subscription events so that only a subset of events performs an action. For example, you can configure a subscription so that Control Hub sends an email only when the job named WestCoastSales changes status instead of when every job changes status.

After the event occurs, the subscription performs an action - such as using a webhook to send an HTTP request to an external system or sending an email.
Important: Before Control Hub can trigger subscriptions for your organization, your organization administrator must enable events for your organization.