Upgrading Engines
Once you save a deployment, you cannot change the engine version. As a result, to upgrade to a later engine version, you must clone the original deployment and select the later engine version. The cloned deployment retains the configurations in the original deployment, with a few exceptions based on the selected engine version.
Important: Before you select a later engine version, be
sure to review the appropriate engine release notes to understand the changes in the
- Data Collector Release Notes
- Transformer Release Notes
- Transformer for Snowflake Release Notes - Applicable when your organization uses a deployed Transformer for Snowflake engine.
The steps that you use to upgrade an engine version depend on following deployment
Upgrading Engines for Self-Managed Deployments
Use the following steps to upgrade an engine version for a self-managed deployment.
Important: Before upgrading, verify that the machines that run the
engine instances meet the installation requirements for the latest engine
version. The minimum requirements for an engine can change with each version.
See the minimum Data Collector requirements,
the minimum Transformer requirements, or
the minimum Transformer for Snowflake
Upgrading Engines for Control Hub-Managed Deployments
Use the following steps to upgrade an engine version for a Control Hub-managed deployment, such as an Amazon EC2 or Kubernetes deployment.