Sample Pipelines
Sample Pipelines
Control Hub provides sample pipelines that you can use to learn about pipeline design or as a basis for building your own pipelines.
Click in the Navigation panel to view the sample pipelines. Click the name of a sample pipeline to open the pipeline in the pipeline canvas and explore how the pipeline and stages are configured. You can also create a new pipeline from the sample pipeline to use the sample as the basis for custom pipeline development.
Each sample pipeline has an associated tutorial that explains the processing that the pipeline performs. Each pipeline provides the link to its tutorial in the pipeline description.
- System sample pipelines
- System sample pipelines are pipelines provided with Control Hub. You can use system sample pipelines to create new pipelines. Or while
viewing a system sample pipeline, you can duplicate the sample to use it as
the basis for building your own pipeline.
You cannot create new system sample pipelines or edit or delete existing system sample pipelines.
- User-defined sample pipelines
- User-defined sample pipelines are pipelines that you can create, edit, and
delete. You can assign a pipeline the
label to create a user-defined sample pipeline. Users with read access to a published sample pipeline can create a new pipeline from the user-defined sample. For more information, see Creating User-Defined Sample Pipelines.
Creating User-Defined Sample Pipelines
You can create a user-defined sample pipeline from any pipeline. Simply assign the
label to the pipeline and publish the pipeline. Those
with read access to the pipeline can create new pipelines from the sample.
For example, you might create a set of sample pipelines that include the stages and processing that your team requires. Data engineers from your team can use those samples as a basis for their pipeline development.