SPL File CyberSecTypes.spl
Specialized toolkits - release > com.ibm.streams.cybersecurity 2.1.1 > com.ibm.streams.cybersecurity.types > CyberSecTypes.spl
- Types
- BWListAction_e: Action Type for dynamically updating the BWListTagger operator
- BWListTag_e: Tag type for the BWListTagger operator.
- BWListType_e: This enum type contains the valid output values of the BWListTagger operator.
- BWListUpdate_t: Type for dynamically updating the BWListTagger operator
- DNSTunnelingInput_t: DNS Tunneling input type
- DNSTunnelingResult_t: DNS Tunneling result type
- DPDNSResponseMessage_t: Domain Profiling
- DPFeatureVector_t: This type is part of the DomainProfilingAnalysisInput_t type.
- DomainProfilingAnalysisInput_t: Domain Profiling Analysis input type
- DomainProfilingInput_t: This type should be used as the input type of the DomainProfiling operator.
- DomainProfilingResult_t: This type should be used as the output type of the DomainProfiling operator.
- HPDNSResponseMessage_t: Host Profiling
- HPFeatureVector_t: This type is part of the HostProfilingAnalysisInput_t type.
- HostProfilingAnalysisInput_t: Host Profiling input type
- HostProfilingInput_t: This type should be used as the input type of the HostProfiling operator.
- HostProfilingResult_t: This type should be used as the output type of the HostProfiling operator.
- PBDNSResponseMessage_t: This type is part of the PBFeatureExtractorInput_t type.
- PBFeatureExtractorInput_t: This type should be used the input type of the PredictiveBlacklistingFE operator.
- PBFeatureVector_t: This type is part of the PredictiveBlacklisting_t type.
- PredictiveBlacklisting_t: This type should be used as the output type of the PredictiveBlacklistingFE operator and the input and output type of the PredictiveBlacklisting operator.
- ProfilingDNSResponseMessageBase_t: This type is part of the DPDNSResponseMessage_t type.
This type is part of the PBFeatureExtractorInput_t type.
PBDNSResponseMessage_t = uint32 dstAddress, rstring questionName, list<rstring> answerData, list<rstring> nameserverData, list<rstring> additionalData, list<uint16> answerTypes, list<uint16> nameserverTypes, list<uint16> additionalTypes, list<uint32> answerTTLs, list<uint32> nameserverTTLs, list<uint32> additionalTTLs, uint8 responseCode;
This type should be used the input type of the PredictiveBlacklistingFE operator.
Contains the set of attributes that are needed by the PredictiveBlacklistingFE operator. These attributes are populated by the following operators:
- com.ibm.streamsx.network::DNSMessageParser
- com.ibm.streamsx.network::IPSpatialEnricher
- com.ibm.streamsx.network::IPASNEnricher
- com.ibm.streams.cybersecurity.tagging::BWListTagger
PBFeatureExtractorInput_t = PBDNSResponseMessage_t, tuple<BWListTag_e bwTag, list<IPLocation_t> answerSpatialInfo, list<IPLocation_t> additionalSpatialInfo, list<IPASNInfo_t> answerASNInfo, list<IPASNInfo_t> additionalASNInfo>;
This type is part of the PredictiveBlacklisting_t type.
PBFeatureVector_t = list<float64>;
This type should be used as the output type of the PredictiveBlacklistingFE operator and the input and output type of the PredictiveBlacklisting operator.
PredictiveBlacklisting_t = PBFeatureVector_t featureVector, rstring domain, rstring predictedClass, float64 confidence;
This type is part of the DPDNSResponseMessage_t type.
ProfilingDNSResponseMessageBase_t = timestamp captureTime, uint32 dstAddress, rstring questionName, uint8 responseCode;
Domain Profiling
DPDNSResponseMessage_t = ProfilingDNSResponseMessageBase_t;
This type is part of the DomainProfilingAnalysisInput_t type.
DPFeatureVector_t = list<float64>;
This type should be used as the input type of the DomainProfiling operator.
Contains the set of attributes that are needed by the DomainProfiling operator. These attributes are populated by the following operators:
- com.ibm.streamsx.network::DNSMessageParser
- com.ibm.streams.cybersecurity.tagging::BWListTagger
DomainProfilingInput_t = ProfilingDNSResponseMessageBase_t, tuple<BWListTag_e bwTag>;
Domain Profiling Analysis input type
DomainProfilingAnalysisInput_t = DPFeatureVector_t featureVector, timestamp profileLastUpdate, rstring questionName;
This type should be used as the output type of the DomainProfiling operator.
DomainProfilingResult_t = DPFeatureVector_t featureVector, rstring domain, timestamp profileLastUpdate, rstring predictedClass;
Host Profiling
HPDNSResponseMessage_t = ProfilingDNSResponseMessageBase_t;
This type is part of the HostProfilingAnalysisInput_t type.
HPFeatureVector_t = list<float64>;
This type should be used as the input type of the HostProfiling operator.
Contains the set of attributes that are needed by the HostProfiling operator. These attributes are populated by the following operators:
- com.ibm.streamsx.network::DNSMessageParser
- com.ibm.streams.cybersecurity.tagging::BWListTagger
HostProfilingInput_t = ProfilingDNSResponseMessageBase_t, tuple<BWListTag_e bwTag>;
Host Profiling input type
HostProfilingAnalysisInput_t = HPFeatureVector_t featureVector, timestamp profileLastUpdate, uint32 dstAddress;
This type should be used as the output type of the HostProfiling operator.
HostProfilingResult_t = HPFeatureVector_t featureVector, rstring host, timestamp profileLastUpdate, rstring predictedClass;
DNS Tunneling input type
DNSTunnelingInput_t = rstring questionName, uint16 questionType, list<rstring> answerData, list<uint16> answerTypes;
DNS Tunneling result type
DNSTunnelingResult_t = rstring predictedClass, list<rstring> predictedClasses, list<rstring> suspiciousText, list<rstring> benignText, uint64 suspiciousCount, uint64 benignCount;
This enum type contains the valid output values of the BWListTagger operator.
BWListType_e = enum { domain, ip };
Tag type for the BWListTagger operator.
BWListTag_e = enum { nonMatched, whiteList, blackList };
Action Type for dynamically updating the BWListTagger operator
BWListAction_e = enum { add, remove };
Type for dynamically updating the BWListTagger operator
BWListUpdate_t = rstring domainIP, BWListAction_e action, BWListTag_e listTag;