Data Mastering

Data mastering is the process by which an unmastered data source record is linked or merged with another master data record. The data mastering process can either result in the creation of a new master data record, or the source data record is linked to an existing master data record. The data mastering process can be explicitly initiated by the user or automatically initiated by the system.

After the data mastering process is complete, the source data record loses its autonomy. If the master data record is modified, the linked source data record is automatically updated by the system. Data Mastering is available only for supplier data records.

Automatic data mastering

You can design rules to enable the system to automatically master the source data record. Depending on the rules designed for auto-mastering, the system automatically decides whether to master a source data record or not. Additionally, the rules can also specify whether the auto-mastering process results in a new master data record, or links the source data record to an existing master data record.

You can design the auto-mastering rules for each source data record. When an unmastered source data record is created or modified, the system checks the rules, and if applicable, masters the unmastered source data record according to the rules.

The auto-mastering rules must specify a criteria that unambiguously determines whether a data record is a valid candidate for auto-mastering. For example,

  • A data record can be auto-mastered only if the address information available in the data record is complete and valid.
  • Only “strategic” data records must be auto-mastered. Here, the term "strategic" indicates data records of a supplier whose total spend is greater than 1,00,0000 dollars.

After a data record is identified as a valid candidate for auto-mastering, the fuzzy matching rules are consulted to determine whether to create a master data record, link to an existing master data record, or assign a task to the data steward. For more information about creating automatic data mastering rules, see Creating Automatic Data Mastering Rules.

Manual data mastering

You can explicitly initiate the data mastering from the user interface in Emptoris® Virtual Supply Master. For more information about manually mastering a data record, see Manually Mastering Suppliers.