Next-generation platformDeprecated

Mashup XML metadata

A mashup configuration is an XML file, which includes the items that are described in the table.

XML Item Type of Item Description
mashups Element

Encloses all of the details of a mashup.

Contains the definition of one or more individual mashups in an element mashup.

id Attribute (mashup tag) Unique identifier of the mashup.
transactional Attribute (mashup tag) Indicates whether the mashup is transactional in nature (true if transactional). Used for the transaction management task. For all out XAPI calls, set the value to true.
description Attribute (mashup tag) Describes the mashup.
resourceId Attribute (mashup tag)

Unique identifier of the resource that needs to be authorized. Used for the authorization task.

If resourceId and AlternateResourceId are not specified, the authorization does not take place and the mashup gets the permission by default.

If a resourceId does not have permissions for a mashup, a user cannot view the results of the mashup. As a result, an appropriate message is displayed.

AlternateResourceIds Tag (within mashup tag)

Defines alternate resource identifiers for a XAPI. Each AlternateResourceId (alternate resource identifier) contains altResourceId attribute.

The alternate resource identifiers are used only if resourceId is not specified.

If any alternate resource identifier has permission for a mashup, a user can view the results of the mashup.

extensible Attribute (mashup tag) Indicates whether the mashup can be extended.
mashuptype Attribute (mashup tag) XAPI (for XAPI calls)
classInformation Tag (within mashup tag) Includes a name attribute, which is the fully qualified class name of the mashup implementation.
mashupRef Tag (within mashup tag) Indicates each XAPI within a multiple XAPI call in a mashup. Includes an id attribute and a namespace tag (APINamespace).
APINamespace Tag (within mashup tag)
Defines namespace for each XAPI in a multiple XAPI call. Includes the following attributes:
  • inputNS - input namespace
  • outputNS - output namespace
Note: The APINamespace is optional.

Here is an example of a mashup XML file.

    <mashup endpoint="EP_CONFIG" id="sample_getOrganizationList"
        mashuptype="XAPI" transactional="true">
        <classInformation name=""/>
        <API Name="getOrganizationList">
                    DisplayLocalizedFieldInLocale="xml:CurrentUser:/User/@Localecode" MaximumRecords="">
                        <OrgRole RoleKey="ENTERPRISE"/>
                    <DataAccessFilter UserId="xml:CurrentUser:/User/@Loginid"/>
                        <Attribute Desc="N" Name="OrganizationName"/>
                    <Organization CustomerMasterOrganizationCode=""
                        LocaleCode="" OrganizationCode="" OrganizationName="">
                        <BillingPersonInfo City="" Country="" ZipCode=""/>
        <APINamespace inputNS="getOrganizationList_input" outputNS="getOrganizationList_output"/>
            <AlternateResourceId altResourceId="WSCSYS00001"/>
            <AlternateResourceId altResourceId="WSC000001"/>
	    <mashup id ='m0001'
    		<classInformation name="com.sterlingcommerce.ui.web.framework.mashup.impl.SCUIMashupImplementer"
      <mashup ...
      <mashup ...
To resolve input data in the backend, use the xml: syntax for XML request attributes and XML session attributes. The following application-provided session attributes provide details about the logged in user:
  • CurrentUser - Contains current user's information such as Loginid, Localecode.
  • CurrentOrganization - Contains current user's organization information such as OrganizationCode, CustomerMasterOrganizationCode.