Legacy platform

Creating folders

To customize the application, System Implementors (SIs) can create folders and provide a structure for grouping files that are related to customization.

SIs can create folders either in the exploded WAR mode or in a local or central runtime.

For more information about the documentation conventions that are used, see documentation conventions.

Creating folders in the exploded Web Archive (WAR) mode

To create folders in the exploded WAR mode, complete the following steps:

  1. Create an extensions folder in the <EXTN_WORKSPACE>, which is henceforth referred as <EXTN_FOLDER>.
  2. Create ngstore folder inside <EXTN_FOLDER>. For example, <EXTN_FOLDER>/ngstore. You will be editing files within this folder. The package structure within this folder should reflect the folder structure, <WSCDEVWAR_FOLDER>/ngstore of the application.
    Ensure that the <EXTN_FOLDER>/ngstore contains the following sub-folders:
    • jsps - contains the overridden or new jsp files.
    • shared - contains the overridden or new shared features such as directives, services, and so on.
    • store - contains the overridden or new application views such as screens, wizards, and so on.
    • vendor - contains new third-party libraries used by the application.
    Note: If the war is built with extensions, then these folders would already be present in the <WSCDEVWAR_FOLDER>/extn/ngstore folder. You may delete these folders and create soft links instead.
  3. Create an extension folder, for example extn, if this folder is not present, and explode the war file in the <WSCDEVWAR_FOLDER>/extn folder.
  4. Create soft links by completing the following steps:
    1. Go to the <WSCDEVWAR_FOLDER>/extn/ngstore folder.
    2. Run the appropriate command:
      • For Windows, run the following command:
        cd <WSCDEVWAR_FOLDER>/extn/ngstore
        mklink /D jsps <EXTN_FOLDER>/ngstore/jsps
        mklink /D shared <EXTN_FOLDER>/ngstore/shared
        mklink /D store <EXTN_FOLDER>/ngstore/store
        mklink /D vendor <EXTN_FOLDER>/ngstore/vendor
      • For Unix or Linux, run the following command:
        ln -s <WSCDEVWAR_FOLDER>/extn/ngstore/jsps <EXTN_FOLDER>/ngstore/jsps
        ln -s <WSCDEVWAR_FOLDER>/extn/ngstore/shared <EXTN_FOLDER>/ngstore/shared
        ln -s <WSCDEVWAR_FOLDER>/extn/ngstore/store <EXTN_FOLDER>/ngstore/store
        ln -s <WSCDEVWAR_FOLDER>/extn/ngstore/vendor <EXTN_FOLDER>/ngstore/vendor

Creating folders in a local or central runtime

Before you begin: Ensure that the <RUNTIME>/extensions/wsc/webpages folder is present.

To create folders in a local or central runtime, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to the <RUNTIME>/extensions/wsc/webpages/ngstore folder.
  2. Create soft links by completing the following steps:
    1. Go to the <EXTN_FOLDER>/ngstore folder.
    2. Run the appropriate command:
      • For Windows, run the following command:
        cd <RUNTIME>/extensions/wsc/webpages/ngstore
        mklink /D jsps <EXTN_FOLDER>/ngstore/jsps
        mklink /D shared <EXTN_FOLDER>/ngstore/shared
        mklink /D store <EXTN_FOLDER>/ngstore/store
        mklink /D vendor <EXTN_FOLDER>/ngstore/vendor
      • For Unix or Linux, run the following command:
        ln -s <RUNTIME>/extensions/wsc/webpages/ngstore/jsps <EXTN_FOLDER>/ngstore/jsps
        ln -s <RUNTIME>/extensions/wsc/webpages/ngstore/shared <EXTN_FOLDER>/ngstore/shared
        ln -s <RUNTIME>/extensions/wsc/webpages/ngstore/store <EXTN_FOLDER>/ngstore/store
        ln -s <RUNTIME>/extensions/wsc/webpages/ngstore/vendor <EXTN_FOLDER>/ngstore/vendor
Note: Soft links allows you to update the runtime and exploded war files in your local workspace. The modified files that are present in the <EXTN_FOLDER> are automatically copied to the <WSCDEVWAR_FOLDER> or <RUNTIME/extensions folder.