Displaying count badges for custom mini portlets
The mini view of portlets display a badge, which indicates the number of tasks associated with that portlet.
The badge value is returned from a mashup output. You must configure the mashup ID that needs to
be invoked as part of the miniPortletCountConfig
For more information about the miniPortletCountConfig
attribute, see Associating new portlets with an appropriate view.
The following JSON illustrates the sample configuration for
"portletTitleBundleKey": "customerPickupPortlet.TITLE_CustomerPickupExtnPortlet",
"portletTID": "CustomerPickupPortletExtnComponent",
"portletSequenceNumber": 40,
"portletComponent": "CustomerPickupPortletExtnComponent",
"portletIconClass": "app-icon-customer-pickup",
"portletColor": "#9772b2",
"resourceId": "ISF000024",
"displayPortletTitleName": false,
"miniPortletCountProvider": "getCustomerPickupCounts",
"miniPortletCountConfig": {
"requiresMultiLocation": false,
"requiresInventory": false,
"sitemap": [
"portletBundleKey": "sitemap.TITLE_CustomerPickupPortlet",
"relativeUrl": "customer-pickup/customer-pickup-list"
In the sample configuration, to retrieve the badge count value, the mashup with
mashup ID is invoked. From the
mashup output, the badge count value is retrieved from