Next-generation platform

Displaying count badges for custom mini portlets

The mini view of portlets display a badge, which indicates the number of tasks associated with that portlet.

The badge value is returned from a mashup output. You must configure the mashup ID that needs to be invoked as part of the miniPortletCountConfig JSON in <store-temp>/extensions/override-static-assets/portlets/config/isf-persona-config.json. For more information about the miniPortletCountConfig attribute, see Associating new portlets with an appropriate view.

The following JSON illustrates the sample configuration for miniPortletCountConfig:
                "portletTitleBundleKey": "customerPickupPortlet.TITLE_CustomerPickupExtnPortlet",
                "portletTID": "CustomerPickupPortletExtnComponent",
                "portletSequenceNumber": 40,
                "portletComponent": "CustomerPickupPortletExtnComponent",
                "portletIconClass": "app-icon-customer-pickup",
                "portletColor": "#9772b2",
                "resourceId": "ISF000024",
                "displayPortletTitleName": false,
                "miniPortletCountProvider": "getCustomerPickupCounts",
                "miniPortletCountConfig": {
                "requiresMultiLocation": false,
                "requiresInventory": false,
                "sitemap": [
                        "portletBundleKey": "sitemap.TITLE_CustomerPickupPortlet",
                        "relativeUrl": "customer-pickup/customer-pickup-list"

In the sample configuration, to retrieve the badge count value, the mashup with "isf.home.portlets.fulfillment.customerPickup" mashup ID is invoked. From the mashup output, the badge count value is retrieved from "Shipments.TotalNumberOfRecords" xpath.