Legacy platform

Change shipping address

In the Edit Order screen, a store associate can modify the shipping address of an order or an individual orderline.
  • Orderline: The shipping address is displayed as a link for each of the orderlines. To modify the shipping address of an orderline, the store associate can click the link. The Edit Delivery Method window opens and displays the current shipping address. Further, the store associate can click Edit Shipping Address and modify the address details as necessary.

    When the address is updated, the verifyAddress API is called to validate the address. If the address is valid, the getItemAvailabilityForStore API is called to determine whether the product is available or not. If yes, the modifyFulfillmentOptions API is called in the pending changes mode to update the shipping address. If the orderline is in Scheduled status or beyond and the Allow Modifications of Orders Beyond Scheduled Status rule is enabled, the pending changes are committed; the orderline is unscheduled upon confirmation by the user. The getCompleteOrderDetails API is called to refresh the screen with the new shipping address.

  • Order: The shipping address for an order is displayed in the customer panel on the bottom-left of the screen. To modify the shipping address of the order, the store associate can click the Edit button adjacent to the address. The Edit Shipping Address window opens where the store associate can update the current address as required. When the store associate updates the shipping address of an order, the orderline shipping addresses are also updated accordingly.
    Note: If any orderline’s status is Scheduled or beyond, the order address cannot be changed. However, individual orderline addresses may be changed in this scenario, as long as the orderline is not in Scheduled status or beyond.
When the store associate clicks Save on the Edit Order screen, the changeOrder API is called to update the order with the modified address.
Note: When a store associate updates the email address of an order and confirms the order, the email address that is part of the Shipping Address changes. However, the email address in the Receipts panel of the Order Summary screen remains unchanged. Since the email address field in the Receipts panel is editable, the store associate can enter the email address as needed.