Next-generation platform

Viewing a pick request

You can view the pick request that is generated to transfer inventory.


  1. Log in to Sterling Store Engagement.
  2. From the application menu, select Inventory management.
  3. In the More Tasks portlet, click Transfer inventory.
  4. You can view a pick request in one of the following ways:
    • Pick requests count
      1. On the Transfer inventory portlet, click a count.
        If a list of pick requests is displayed, filter the results as follows:
        1. Click Filter.
        2. Select appropriate options under Assigned to, Status, or Order type.
        3. Click Apply.
        To sort the pick requests, click Sort, select a sort criteria, and then click Apply.
      2. Click the appropriate pick request.
    • Transfer order number
      1. Scan or enter the transfer order number.
      2. From the Actions menu on the TO summary screen, select View pick request.
    If required, print the Pick summary.