Next-generation platform

Moving inventory in bulk

You can move a bulk of inventory from one location to another location without having to scan every single product in the location.

About this task

In each bulk move request, you can include up to 1000 move tasks. If you want to include more tasks, create more bulk move requests to manage the inventory effectively.


  1. Log in to Sterling Store Engagement.
  2. From the application menu, select Inventory management.
  3. In the Move inventory portlet, click Move in bulk.
  4. Select the source and destination location, and click the arrow to continue.
    1. From the Source location list, select the source location where the inventory is present.
    2. From the Destination location list, select the destination location where you want to move the inventory.
  5. By default, all the products that are present in the source location are selected.

    A confirmation message is displayed. Click Yes to move the products to the destination location.

    Note: If you attempt to move more products than the configured value, you cannot include or exclude inventory from the list of products. On confirmation, all the products are moved to the destination location.
  6. In the Bulk summary page, you can view the list of products that are moved, and the status changes to Completed.