Next-generation platform

Inventory audit service

The inventory audit service receives audit-related data from Store Inventory Management through change events, thus allowing external request to query a specific set of inventory audit records.

After successfully processing the inventory update, Store Inventory Management translates data to a common audit event format, and the audit service captures all the inventory adjust requests.

Audit inventory features

  • Audit inventory ensures that inventory adjustments are persisted in a database for you to retrieve a historic list of inventory audit and query a specific set of inventory audit records.
  • Audit inventory supports pagination of large result sets.
  • You can filter and sort the inventory adjustment results by properties such as storeId, productId, unitOfMeasure, quantity, tagNo to fetch the details for a specific change by using the unique ID. Additionally, you can specify multiple values and keywords for each filter.
  • By default, the Audit Search API returns audit records for the last 24 hours. By using the time filter, you can query records for the last 7 days.
  • You can filter results by setting a date range for other date-based fields such as updatedTs.
  • You can sort the results by any field either in ascending or descending order.
  • You can fetch a specific record by using the corresponding audit ID.

The Audit API supports:

  • Querying inventory audit records by start and end date range.
  • Pagination by retrieving a set of records, and then viewing subsets of results one page at a time instead of retrieving and scrolling through the complete result set.
  • Sorting the data columns in both ascending and descending order.
  • Selecting multiple values in search criteria.
  • Fetching inventory audit records based on the audit ID.