Legacy platform


If there are many shipments, products, or packages on a particular screen, they are distributed across multiple pages. Therefore, a store associate must be able to navigate to the page that contains the required information by using the pagination feature.


A pagination bar indicates the current page number. On the pagination bar, the store associate can move to the next or previous page and select the number of records to be displayed on a single page. If the number of records is less than the page size, the pagination bar is not displayed. By default, the application is configured to display five records per page on the web.


The page sizes can be configured specifically for each entity. The entities are Shipment, Container, ShipmentLine, and so on.

You can configure the page sizes in the PaginationSize.json file, which is in the<INSTALL_DIR>/repository/eardata/wsc/war/wsc/common/pagination directory. Page sizes can be specified as shown in the following sample code snippet:
	Entities: {	
			"PageSize": 5,			
			"PageSizes": "5,10,20",
			"PageSizeMobile": 3,
			"PageSizesMobile": "3,5,10"
		"Shipment": {
			"PageSize": 5,
			"PageSizes": "5,10,20",
			"PageSizeMobile": 3,			
			"PageSizesMobile": "3,5,10"
		"Container": {
			"PageSize": 5,
			"PageSizes": "5,10,20",
			"PageSizeMobile": 3,			
			"PageSizesMobile": "3,5,10"
		"ShipmentLine": {
			"PageSize": 5,
			"PageSizes": "5,10,20",
			"PageSizeMobile": 3,			
			"PageSizesMobile": "3,5,10"
		"StoreBatchLine": {
			"PageSize": 10,
			"PageSizes": "10,16,20",
			"PageSizeMobile": 4,			
			"PageSizesMobile": "4,8,10"
		"StoreBatch": {
			"PageSize": 10,
			"PageSizes": "10,16,20",
			"PageSizeMobile": 4,			
			"PageSizesMobile": "4,8,10"
		"StoreBatchLocation": {
			"PageSize": 10,
			"PageSizes": "10,16,20",
			"PageSizeMobile": 4,			
			"PageSizesMobile": "4,8,10"
The attributes in the code snippet are as follows:
  • PageSize and PageSizeMobile: represents the number of records that are displayed when a page loads.
  • PageSizes and PageSizesMobile: represents the different page sizes that the store associate can select.
You can modify the page size entries as per your implementation. Similarly, you can include the page size entries for extended entities. If you do not set the page size for an entity, the default configuration is considered. For more information, see Customizing Pagination Size.

Device-specific details

The mobile version of the application is configured to display three records per page and the store associate can move to the previous and next pages. The page size selector can be implemented with the help of PaginationSize.json, which allows configuration of page size for mobile as well.

End-user impact

The store associate can select the correct page size for viewing convenience.
Note: Continuous scrolling is supported for batch picking screens. The logic to determine the number of records to display on a page remains same. When the store associate attempts to scroll, the next set of records are automatically loaded without the need for store associate to click the Next or Previous links. In batch picking screens, the store associate cannot select the page size from the user interface. The page sizes configured in the PaginationSize.json are considered. If for some reason, the browser scroll bar is not displayed on a given screen, a down-arrow button is displayed to help in continuous scrolling.