Legacy platform


You should be able to view the open alerts for the currently logged-in user, queues subscribed by the user and user's organization.


The following section describes APIs, user exits, services, and other components.

The application header displays an icon for alerts with the count of open alerts assigned to the currently logged-in user or queue subscribed by the user. The getAlertStatisticsForUser API is called to retrieve the count. By default, the count includes only open alerts of type "Nearing SLA" and "Hot Pick".

When the store associate clicks the View Alerts icon, separate panels are displayed collapsed for each of the alert types along with the count of open alerts for each type. The store associate can expand a panel to view the alerts. The getExceptionList API is called with the ExceptionType as YCD_HOT_PICK or YCD_NEAR_SLA depending on the panel selected.

The store associate can take appropriate action to resolve each open alert. For example, when the store associate expands the Hot Pick panel, each alert is displayed with a Pick button, so that the store associate can take appropriate action on the alert. When the store associate clicks Pick, the resolveException API is called to resolve the alert and start the backroom pick process.

Device-specific details



The following section describes the configuration required for the feature.
  • A store associate should have "View Alerts" resource permission to view open alerts. For more information about administering user group permissions, see Administering user group permissions.
  • Configure the polling interval appropriately to fetch the open alerts for the currently logged-in user. For more information, see Setting up polling interval.
  • For more information about the APIs, see IBM® Sterling Order Management System: Javadoc.