Legacy platform

Replace mashups for a screen in controllers

You can replace mashups for a particular screen.

If you want to replace the mashup called by the application with your own mashup, a service is called instead of an API provided by the application. If you want to replace the mashup called by the application with your own mashup, all the screens that use the application mashup are impacted. You can replace mashup reference for a specific screen by changing the custom mashup reference in both InitController and BehaviorController. To change the mashup reference, create extensions for the client-side definition of a screen that requires extension files for both server-side and client-side components.
Note: If you want to change the mashup definition across the application, ensure to override the capability at a mashup layer.
For more information about overriding a mashup and the screens impacted due to the change in mashup definition, seeExtend mashups. For example, to extend InitController and change the mashup, the following example explains the application-provided InitController for the wsc.home.portlets.BackroomPickPortlet screen with wsc.home.portlets.BackroomPickPortletInitController controllerId.

The server-side XML file for the application-provided InitController is as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    requestMethodSupported="POST" screenId="wcc.home.portlets.BackroomPickPortlet">
    <Group isAggregator="Y"/>
        <MashupRef mashupId="backroomPick_getShipmentListReadyForPick"
            mashupRefId="getShipmentListReadyForPickInit" permissionId=""/>
The client-side definition for InitController is as follows:
scDefine(["scbase/loader!dojo/_base/declare", "scbase/loader!dojo/_base/kernel", 
"scbase/loader!dojo/text", "scbase/loader!sc/plat/dojo/controller/ScreenController",
_dojodeclare, _dojokernel, _dojotext, _scScreenController, _wscBackroomPickPortlet) {
    return _dojodeclare("wsc.home.portlets.BackroomPickPortletInitController", [_scScreenController], {
        screenId: 'wsc.home.portlets.BackroomPickPortlet',
        mashupRefs: [{
            sourceNamespace: 'backroomPick_getShipmentListReadyForPick_output',
            mashupRefId: 'getShipmentListReadyForPickInit',
            sequence: '',
            mashupId: 'backroomPick_getShipmentListReadyForPick',
            callSequence: '',
            sourceBindingOptions: ''
In these examples, the screen calls the backroomPick_getShipmentListReadyForPick mashup. If you want to call another mashup, create the InitController XML file for the extension as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Controller controllerId="extn.home.portlets.BackroomPickPortletExtnInitController"
    <Group isAggregator="Y"/>
        <MashupRef mashupId="extn_backroomPick_getShipmentListReadyForPick"
            mashupRefId="getShipmentListReadyForPickInit" permissionId="" extnType="MODIFY"/>
  • The structure of the custom server-side XML is same as the application-provided server-side XML with few changes.

  • The MashupRef element must contain a new attribute extnType with the value set to MODIFY.
  • In the MashupRef element, the mashupRefId attribute must be same as the attribute defined in the application-provided InitController to determine the mashup call overridden in the extension.
  • In the MashupRef element, add only those attributes you want to override other than mashupId, mashupRefId, and extnType attributes. In most cases, only the mashupId, mashupRefId, and extnType attributes are needed.
The client-side definition of the InitController extension is as follows:
scDefine(["scbase/loader!dojo/_base/declare", "scbase/loader!dojo/_base/kernel", 
"scbase/loader!dojo/text", "scbase/loader!sc/plat/dojo/controller/ScreenController", 
_dojodeclare, _dojokernel, _dojotext, _scScreenController, _extnBackroomPickPortletExtn,_scExtnScreenController) {
    return _dojodeclare("extn.home.portlets.BackroomPickPortletExtnInitController", [_scScreenController], {
        screenId: 'extn.home.portlets.BackroomPickPortletExtn',
        mashupRefs: [{
            sourceNamespace: 'backroomPick_getShipmentListReadyForPick_output',
            mashupRefId: 'getShipmentListReadyForPickInit',           
            mashupId: 'extnbackroomPick_getShipmentListReadyForPick',
  • The structure of the client-side definition is same as the application-provided client-side definition with few changes.
  • The client-side definition of the InitController extension must extend sc.plat.dojo.controller.ExtnScreenController.
  • Each MashupRef provided in the mashupRefs property must contain the new extnType attribute and the value that is set to MODIFY same as the server-side XML file.
  • Each MashupRef provided in the mashupRefs property add only those attributes that you want to override other than mashupId, mashupRefId, and extnType attributes. In most cases, only the mashupId, mashupRefId, and extnType attributes are needed.

Extending BehaviorController is same as extending InitController except that the client-side definition of InitController must extend sc.plat.dojo.controller.ExtnScreenController. The client-side definition of BehaviorController must extend sc.plat.dojo.controller.ExtnServerDataController. As a prerequisite to ensure that extensions work on controllers, configure the screen extensions appropriately.