Next-generation platform

Configuring inventory management capability in stores

You can configure to enable or disable Store Inventory Management capabilities for a Sterling Order Management System node.

If Store Inventory Management capabilities are enabled, to maintain inventory in the store, Sterling Order Management System works with Sterling Store Engagement. By default, Store Inventory Management capabilities are not enabled for Sterling Store Engagement.
Important: If Store Inventory Management capabilities are not enabled for a node, you cannot complete inventory tasks by using the Sterling Store Engagement UI.

You can use the following options to define the store inventory configuration for nodes as per your business requirements:
Using Applications Manager
  1. From the tree in the application rules side panel, choose Participant Modeling > Participant Setup.
  2. From the Roles & Participation tab in the Organization Details window, open the Node Attributes tab.
  3. From the Store Inventory Configuration list, select one of the following options:
    • SIM enabled. Inventory managed in Store. Select this option if the store is Store Inventory Management enabled and the inventory is maintained in the store.
    • SIM not enabled. By default, Store Inventory Management is not enabled for a store and hence, it is not required to select this option. However, you can use this option if you have chosen the other option for your store and want to revert the store to the default setting of this configuration.

      Before reverting a store to this option, you must ensure that there are no locations created in Store Inventory Management for this store.

Using manageOrganizationHierarchy API
Call the manageOrganizationHierarchy API with either of the following values for the StoreInvConfig attribute:
  • 01 - Store Inventory Management is enabled for the store and inventory is managed in the store.
  • 00. Store Inventory Management is not enabled for the store.
    For example,
    <Organization OrganizationKey="STORE1" > <Node StoreInvConfig="01" />
    • The SIM enabled. Inventory not managed in Store option (StoreInvConfig="02") is no longer supported.
    • You can use Store Inventory Configuration for nodes of any NodeType and not just NodeType=Store.
    • You can use this configuration for new nodes as well as existing nodes.
    • By default, the StoreInvConfig attribute has the null value until it is changed to any of the other available values. The behavior of a null value is the same as that of the 00 value. However, you cannot explicitly pass the null value for the StoreInvConfig attribute. To revert to the same default behavior as that of the blank value, you can pass a value of 00.

Updating the configuration details to Store Inventory Management

Currently, Sterling Order Management System maintains all the ship node data that is configured by using Applications Manager or the manageOrganizationHierarchy API. This data is updated from Sterling Order Management System to Store Inventory Management synchronously. Sterling Order Management System can also update the data asynchronously.
Note: Update of ship node data is unidirectional and flows from Sterling Order Management System to Store Inventory Management. Sterling Order Management System is the primary source of ship node configuration data. Updates made to the ship node data directly in Store Inventory Management are not propagated to Sterling Order Management System.
Synchronous update
Sterling Order Management System can synchronously update any ship node data to Store Inventory Management.
When the ship node data is updated either by using Applications Manager or the manageOrganizationHierarchy API, the stores API is called to save the store inventory configurations to Store Inventory Management.
  • If the store exists on Store Inventory Management:
    • If Store Inventory Configuration is set to SIM enabled. Inventory managed in Store or manageOrganizationHierarchy is called with a value of 01 for the StoreInvConfig attribute, the stores API is called to update inventoryTracked as true.
    • If Store Inventory Configuration is set to SIM not enabled or manageOrganizationHierarchy is called with a value of 00 for the StoreInvConfig attribute or if a node is deleted from Sterling Order Management System, delete on stores API is called.
      Note: During synchronization, if DELETE fails due to locations existing for the store in Store Inventory Management, Sterling Order Management System API call also fails and the configuration is not updated on Sterling Order Management System. An error message is displayed in Applications Manager.
  • If the store does not exist on Store Inventory Management:
    • If Store Inventory Configuration is set to SIM enabled. Inventory managed in Store or manageOrganizationHierarchy is called with a value of 01 for the StoreInvConfig attribute, the stores API is called to update inventoryTracked as true.
    • If Store Inventory Configuration is set to SIM not enabled or manageOrganizationHierarchy is called with a value of 00 for the StoreInvConfig attribute or if a node is deleted from Sterling Order Management System, then no API is called.
Asynchronous or bulk update of ship node information
Any ship node data in Sterling Order Management System can be asynchronously updated to Store Inventory Management by running the SIM_NODE_SYNC agent.

To run the SIM_NODE_SYNC agent, go to Applications Manager > Application Platform > > Process Modelling > General tab > General (Process Type) > Transactions tab > SIM Item Sync.

When the SIM_NODE_SYNC agent is run, it compares all the stores present in Sterling Order Management System and in Store Inventory Management, and make the necessary additions, modifications, and deletions in the Store Inventory Management backend by using the GET, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE capabilities of the stores API to synchronize the ship node data.
  • You must configure the OwnerOrganizationCode in the agent criteria as the common parent organization of all the nodes to be synchronized with Store Inventory Management.
  • Additions are done by using PUT in batches of 100 stores.
  • Modifications are done by using PATCH and deletions are done by using DELETE for each store.

Impact of the configuration on the behavior of Sterling Order Management System APIs

If Store Inventory Configuration is set to SIM enabled. Inventory managed in Store or manageOrganizationHierarchy is called with an input of 01 for the StoreInvConfig attribute:
  • Inventory APIs (Global Inventory Visibility or Sterling Intelligent Promising Inventory Visibility) disable updating of on-hand supply data. This data now flows from Store Inventory Management backend to Sterling Intelligent Promising Inventory Visibility.
  • The confirmShipment API calls the inventory:remove Store Inventory Management API to remove inventory.
  • The receiveOrder API calls the inventory:add Store Inventory Management API to add inventory.
  • The unreceiveOrder API calls inventory:remove Store Inventory Management API to remove inventory.
  • The closeReceipt API calls putaway-tasks:generate Store Inventory Management API to generate putaway tasks.
  • The translateBarcode API calls Store Inventory Management API to fetch the serial information.
Note: While adding products to inventory, if you specify a product class or inventory status for any product, ensure that you specify a valid value for the remaining inventory adjustments of the product. Basically, the value of product class or inventory status should not be blank for the remaining inventory adjustments.