Legacy platform

WizardUI widget

The wizardUI widget acts as a controller for wizards. It drives the behavior of a wizard and encapsulates all the capabilities of the wizard. It also publishes events on wizard instance widget on the client for wizard lifecycle events.

The WizardUI.js file provides showNextPage, showPreviousPage, and confirmWizard methods that must be called from the subscribers when a user presses the Next, Previous, or Confirm buttons. Each custom wizard widget listens to the events and accordingly provides the behavior. The following table describes the events that are provided by the custom wizard widget:
Table 1. Custom wizard widget events
Event Description
start This event is raised at the start of the wizard.
beforenext This event is raised before executing the logic to determine the next page in a wizard flow.
afternext This event is raised when the next screen in a wizard flow is initialized and painted.
beforeprevious This event is before placing the previous page in the stack container, typically after the previous action is triggered by a user.
previous This event is raised after fetching and placing the previous page in the stack container of a wizard.
beforeconfirm This event is raised before executing the framework logic to confirm the last page of a wizard.
afterconfirm This event is raised after executing the confirm logic, and the backend call is made.
screenchanged This event is raised when the active page of a wizard changes either to the previous page or next page.