Legacy platform

Viewing order history

You can view customer's order history from customer's profile.


  1. Log in to Sterling Store Engagement and switch to the Customer Service View by using the eye icon.
  2. In the More Tasks portlet, click Look up Customer. The Look up Customer portlet opens.
  3. Identify the customer and navigate to the Customer Profile screen.
  4. Click Order History. The Order History screen opens, where you can view a list of orders placed by the customer.
    1. If the customer has a long list of orders, click Refine Order List and refine the list based on one or more of the following criteria:
      • Order Date
      • Order Status
      • Order Channel

      In the Product Images option, select either Recommendations or Purchased based on the images that you would like to see for each order.

      Additionally, you can select the Search within store option to view the orders that belong only to the current store.

    2. Expand each of the filter criteria, select the appropriate options, and then click Apply. If you want to reset the filter options, click Clear All.
  5. Select an order and click View Details to view the Order Summary.