Legacy platform

Order history

In the bottom panel, a store associate can click Order History to view the customer's previous orders. The getOrderList API is called to get the list of orders for the current customer.

If the order history shows a long list of orders, it can be refined by using Order Date, Order Status, Order Channel as filter options. The store associate can also choose to filter orders belonging to the current store only. Orders in 'Draft Order' and 'Canceled' status are never shown on Order History screen. These order statuses are not available for the store associate to choose even through the filter criteria on the Order History screen.

When the Order History screen is loaded, the images of recommended products are shown by default for all the orders. Under the 'Product Images' filter criteria, a store associate can either choose the 'Recommendations' or 'Purchased' option. Based on the selection, the image display changes on the Order History screen for all the orders. However, when the store associate selects a particular order, images for both recommended products and purchased products are displayed for the order.

If the store associate does not have the resource permission to view the recommendations, images of purchased products are shown by default for all the orders and also when an individual order is selected. In this scenario, 'Product Images' is not shown as a filter criteria.

The Number of recommended products to be shown in UI rule is used to determine the number of recommended products to be displayed against each of the orders.

A maximum of three images are shown under 'Recommendations' and 'Purchased'. If there are more images to be shown, a text cue is displayed in the format: <count of remaining product images> More. For example, 1 More, 2 More, depending on how many product images are present for each category for that order. The text cue is read-only and cannot be clicked. However, the images can be clicked to open the 'Product Details' window.

The store associate can also view the mini cart. When the store associate clicks the cart icon, a pop-over displays the customer's products and their details. The latest draft order created for the customer in the current store is used to display the mini cart.

In the Sterling Business Center, the store administrator can disable the rule that displays product images. In such a scenario, only product descriptions are shown as links instead of images for a maximum of three products on the Order History screen. The store associate can click the description links to view product details.

The store associate can click View Details to open the Order Summary screen for an order. The getCompleteOrderDetails API is called to load the Order Summary screen.