Legacy platform

Adding products to an order from customer's profile

You can quickly add a product to an order from the customer's profile.


  1. Log in to Sterling Store Engagement and switch to the Customer Service View by using the eye icon.
  2. In the More Tasks portlet, click Look up Customer. The Look up Customer portlet opens.
  3. Identify the customer and navigate to the Customer Profile screen.
  4. Click either the description or the image of the appropriate product in one of these tabs - Recommendations, Recently Viewed, Wish List or Open Carts. The Product Details window opens.
  5. Click Add to Cart to add the product to the customer's cart and continue to capture the order.
    • If you have opened the Product Details window from the Wish List tab, you will be adding the product retrieved from the customer's external wish list to the store cart.
    • If you have opened the Product Details window from the Open Carts tab, you will be adding the product retrieved from the customer's online cart to the store cart. Alternatively, you can click Add all to Store Cart from the Open Carts tab to add all products in the Open Carts tab to the store cart at once.