Next-generation platform

Viewing the cart

A store associate can click Check out and view the cart details after adding products to the cart from the Product details page or after scanning a valid productID or a serial number from the Check out portlet.
You can view the following information in the View cart page:
  • Products that are added to the cart.
  • Details such as product description, SKU, pictures of the product, variation attributes, serial number, unit price, fulfillment methods, and quantity actions of each product in the cart.
You can perform the following tasks for each product or order line.
  • Update quantity.
  • Override price and add or update charges
  • Mark the product as gift.
  • Modify fulfillment method and add or update the shipping address.
  • View or add notes at the order line level.
  • Remove product from the cart.
  • Scan serial number for serial-tracked product with the carry delivery method.
Override price and add or update charges require the following resource permissions:
  • Price override - ISF000045
  • Add/modify/delete charges - ISF000050
You can perform the following tasks on the entire order.
  • View or add notes.
  • Mark entire order as gift.
  • Apply coupon.
  • Identify customer and add or update shipping address.
  • Add or update charges.
  • Scan productID or serial number, or search products that you want to add to the cart.
The View cart page uses the following APIs to retrieve the information that is displayed:
  • The getCompleteOrderLineList API is called to retrieve the order line details.
  • The getCompleteOrderDetails API is called to retrieve order details, including order totals, any coupons that are applied, and the customer details.
When the store associate scans a product:
  • The getCompleteItemList API is called to retrieve the product details.
  • The default quantity is 1 and the delivery method is set to CARRY if the AllowCashAndCarryLines rule is set to true. Else, the default delivery method is taken as Ship.
  • If the AllowCashAndCarryLines configuration is not set and if the product is available, it is added to cart as a Ship orderline.
When you click Continue, the following actions are performed:
  • A dirty page check for screen changes is done in the UI framework.
  • If any serial products are added to the order, the inventory/serials Store Inventory Management REST API is used to validate the serial numbers.
  • The modifyFulfillmentOptions API is called to add the product to the cart.
  • For a serial number scan, SerialNo and the current store as ShipNode is stamped on the order line. If the same product is scanned twice, two order lines are added with the quantity as 1 for each order line.
  • if there are any pickup or ship order lines, adding the shipping address, PersonInfoShipTo, is mandatory.
  • The getCompleteOrderDetails API is called to retrieve the updated order details and refresh the page when an order or order line is updated.

Removing products from the cart

A store associate can remove a product from the cart by clicking Remove in the order line.

The modifyFulfillmentOptions API is called to delete the order lines.

The getCompleteOrderDetails API is called to retrieve extra attributes at the order line level and the order level. After all the details are retrieved, the View cart page is updated with the information.