Next-generation platform

Sorting after picking products in batches

As a store associate, you can pick multiple orders simultaneously and sort the picked products after picking.

About this task

Before you begin picking products for orders, note the following points:
  • A pick request is canceled only if a shipment is canceled completely. Partial cancellation of shipment does not update a pick request.
  • When the quantity of the products in the pick request is increased, the pick request is updated with the increased quantity if the picking is not yet started. If the pick request is already in progress or completed, a new pick request is created to pick the additional quantity.
  • When the quantity of the products in the pick request is reduced, the pick request is updated with the changed quantity if the picking is not yet started. If picking is already in progress or completed, the pick request is not updated with the changed quantity.
  • A batch is updated with the changes in the pick request quantities only if picking is not in progress or completed for that pick request in the batch.
  • It is not mandatory to pick all the products to start depositing the picked products. You can partially pick the products belonging to a batch and start depositing. In this case, the remaining unpicked products in the batch are moved to a new batch.


To sort products after batch picking, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to Sterling Store Engagement.
  2. From the application menu, select Order fulfillment.
  3. In the Pick orders portlet, click Pick batches.
    The Batch list page opens.

    If the WSC_DELIVERYMETHOD_MIXALLOWED rule is set to 'Y' in Sterling Business Center, ship from store (SFS) and pickup (BOPIS) orders are combined to create batches. In such cases where the batch contains mixed order types, the batches are displayed in a single page. Else, the batches are segregated into different tabs according to the order type, that is, pick-up and ship.

  4. If you want to view only the requests that are relevant to you, click Filter, select the applicable filters and click Apply.
    You can filter the batches by the associate to whom the pick request is assigned and the status of the request.
  5. Click Continue or Pick batch according to the status of the batch.

    The Pick batch page opens displaying the list of products.

  6. Scan the location of the product to be picked.
    Note: If location scan is not mandatory, that is IS_LOC_SCAN_MANDATORY is set to N, you can scan items or serials directly without scanning the locations.

    Location scan is not required for a no-inventory or single-location store.

  7. Scan the SKU or serial number or manually update the number of the products to be picked.
    • For SKU-tracked products, scan one unit, and then manually update the quantity for the remaining units by clicking + or - to adjust the units picked or by entering the total quantity picked and click checkmark icon to confirm.
    • For serial-tracked products, the quantity cannot be manually incremented. Therefore, you must scan all the units as you pick.
    • To remove any unit that is picked, click - and in the Remove serial window, scan the serial to be removed.
  8. If there is no inventory in the current location or if you cannot pick the products from the current location, click Alternate location, select the new pick location, select the reason for choosing the alternate location, and click Done. Rescan the new location and products.
    If there is no inventory in any location, when you click Alternate location, a message is displayed stating that there is no inventory available in any of the locations. Select the shortage reason from the list of reasons displayed and click Done.
    Note: You can record shortage for an item only if there is no inventory available in any of the locations.
  9. After all the products are picked up, click Yes on the Confirmation window.
  10. You can sort and then assign the products to individual staging locations or assign all products to the same staging location.
    • Perform the following steps to sort and then assign the products to individual staging locations for sort after pick.
      1. Click the arrow to continue.
      2. Scan or manually enter the SKU or serial number followed by the staging location.
      3. Click Stage order and scan or manually enter a location to place all the products of an order in a particular location.
      4. After placing one product in a staging location, you can place the rest of the products of the order in another location by clicking Alternate location and scanning or manually entering a location.
      5. After all the products are deposited, click Yes on the Confirmation window to finish the batch picking.
      6. Click Close.
    • Perform the following steps to assign all totes or products to the same location.
      1. Select the Click here to assign all totes to the same location link.
      2. Scan or manually enter the staging location in the Assign staging location window.
      3. Click Done.
    • Click Finish batch to skip assigning products to a location.
  11. Click Close.