Linux metrics

All network and general metrics are native without any computed metrics. The following section lists all the Linux® metrics:


The following section lists information about CPU in the system. For example, myMachine|CPU|cpu_user.
  • cpu_contexts: Number of context switches across all CPU cores.
  • cpu_guest: Percentage of total CPU spent running a guest OS. Included in cpu_user.
  • cpu_guest_nice: Percentage of total CPU spent running as nice guest OS. Included in cpu_nice.
  • cpu_hiq: Percentage of total CPU spent serving hardware interrupts.
  • cpu_idle: Percentage of total CPU spent idling.
  • cpu_interrupts: Number of interrupts serviced.
  • cpu_iowait: Percentage of total CPU spent waiting for I/O to complete.
  • cpu_nice: Percentage of total CPU time spent in lowest-priority user processes.
  • cpu_siq: Percentage of total CPU spent serving software interrupts.
  • cpu_steal: Percentage of total CPU spent waiting for other OS in a virtualized environment.
  • cpu_system: Percentage of total CPU time spent in kernel mode.
  • cpu_user: Percentage of total CPU time spent in normal priority user processes.


The following section lists information about the free disk. Each mounted directory has a separate section. For example, myMachine|DiskFree|myMount|df_free.
  • df_free: Amount of free disk space on the file system.
  • df_total: Amount of total disk space on the file system.
  • df_used: Amount of used disk space on the file system.


The following section lists information about the disk status for each of the disks. For example, myMachine|Diskstat|myDisk|disk_active_ios.
  • disk_active_ios: Number of I/O operations currently in progress.
  • disk_aveq: Weighted number of milliseconds spent doing I/Os.
  • disk_io_time: Number of milliseconds the system spent doing I/O operation.
  • disk_read_ios: Total number of read operations completed successfully.
  • disk_read_merged: Number of (small) read operations that are merged into a larger read.
  • disk_read_sect: Number of sectors read.
  • disk_read_time: Amount of time in milliseconds spent reading.
  • disk_write_ios: Number of write operations completed successfully.
  • disk_write_merged: Number of (small) write operations that are merged into a larger write.
  • disk_write_sect: Number of sectors written.
  • disk_write_time: Amount of time in milliseconds spent writing.


The following section lists information about the load statistics for a particular node. For example, myMachine|Load|jobs.
  • jobs: The total number of jobs that currently exist in the system.
  • load1: The average load (number of jobs in the run queue) over the last minute.
  • load15: The average load (number of jobs in the run queue) over the last 15 minutes.
  • load5: The average load (number of jobs in the run queue) over the 5 minutes.


The following section lists information about the memory statistics for a particular node. For example, myMachine|Memory|mem_active.
  • mem_active: Active memory that was recently accessed.
  • mem_active_anon: Active memory with no file association, that is, heap and stack memory.
  • mem_active_file: Active memory that is associated with a file, for example, page cache memory.
  • mem_available: Estimated value of memory that is available for starting new applications without swapping.
  • mem_buffers: Temporary storage used for raw disk blocks.
  • mem_cached: In-memory cache for files read from disk (the page cache). Does not include mem_swapcached.
  • mem_dirty: Memory, which is waiting to get written back to the disk.
  • mem_inactive: Inactive memory that is not accessed recently.
  • mem_inactive_anon: Inactive memory with no file association, that is, inactive heap and stack memory.
  • mem_inactive_file: Inactive memory that is associated with a file, for example, page cache memory.
  • mem_memfree: Total free RAM.
  • mem_memtotal: Total usable RAM.
  • mem_mlocked: Memory that is locked.
  • mem_swapcached: In-memory cache for pages that are swapped back in.
  • mem_swapfree: Amount of swap space that remains unused.
  • mem_swaptotal: Total amount of swap space available.
  • mem_unevictable: Memory that cannot be paged out.


The following section lists information about the network status for a particular node. For example, myMachine|Netstat|ns_remote_bytes_r.
  • ns_closewait: Number of connections in the TCP_CLOSE_WAIT state.
  • ns_established: Number of connections in the TCP_ESTABLISHED state.
  • ns_listen: Number of connections in the TCP_LISTEN state.
  • ns_local_bytes_r: Number of bytes received from a local node to a local node.
  • ns_local_bytes_s: Number of bytes sent from a local node to a local node.
  • ns_localconn: Number of local connections from a local node to a local node.
  • ns_remote_bytes_r: Number of bytes sent from a local node to a remote node.
  • ns_remote_bytes_s: Number of bytes sent from a remote node to a local node.
  • ns_remoteconn: Number of remote connections from a local node to a remote node.
  • ns_timewait: Number of connections in the TCP_TIME_WAIT state.


The following section lists information about the network statistics per interface for a particular node. For example, myMachine|Network|myInterface|netdev_bytes_r.
  • netdev_bytes_r: Number of bytes received.
  • netdev_bytes_s: Number of bytes sent.
  • netdev_carrier: Number of carrier loss events.
  • netdev_collisions: Number of collisions.
  • netdev_compressed_r: Number of compressed frames received.
  • netdev_compressed_s: Number of compressed packets sent.
  • netdev_drops_r: Number of packets dropped while receiving.
  • netdev_drops_s: Number of packets dropped while sending.
  • netdev_errors_r: Number of read errors.
  • netdev_errors_s: Number of write errors.
  • netdev_fifo_r: Number of FIFO buffer errors.
  • netdev_fifo_s: Number of FIFO buffer errors while sending.
  • netdev_frames_r: Number of frame errors while receiving.
  • netdev_multicast_r: Number of multicast packets received.
  • netdev_packets_r: Number of packets received.
  • netdev_packets_s: Number of packets sent.