Connecting a cluster to Data Management

Before you begin

Before you can log in to the cluster for the first time, you must define and create the cluster in IBM Storage Defender Data Protect.

To complete this procedure, you must use the login credentials for the cluster management account, which are the credentials that were originally used to register with IBM Storage Defender.

About this task

Connecting a cluster to Data Management is also referred to as a claim. A claim is the process of defining a cluster to Data Management.


To connect a cluster to Data Management, complete the following steps:

Important: When you create a new Data Protect cluster, you will not be able to view and manage the cluster in IBM Storage Defender Data Management Service until you complete the steps in this procedure.

  1. After you initiate the Data Protect cluster creation process, wait until the cluster login page is available. Click the URL that is displayed on the Cluster Setup Status page, but do not log in.
  2. Before you log in, claim the required cluster by completing one of the following procedures:
    • To claim the Cohesity Data Protect 7.1.1 or later cluster by using token-based claim, complete the following steps:
      1. Log in to Data Management and navigate to All Clusters > Settings > Access Management.
      2. Click the Tokens tab.
      3. Click the Create button in the upper right corner of the screen.

        On the Create Token window, specify any name in the Name field for the token that you are generating. For the Type field, select Cohesity from the drop-down. Then select Create, which creates the token.

        Before closing the Create Token window, copy the token by selecting the copy icon.

      4. Download iris_cli to a Mac, Linux, or the system that includes Windows subsystem for Linux.

        Note: This step is not required for Cohesity Data Protect 7.2 and later versions.

        To download iris_cli for Mac, you can download iris_cli from the https://CLUSTERIP/files/bin/cli/darwin-x86_64/iris_cli. For Linux or the system that includes Windows subsystem for Linux, the iris_cli can be downloaded from https://CLUSTERIP/files/bin/cli/linux-x86_64/iris_cli.

        where in the URLs, you must replace CLUSTERIP with the TCP/IP address of one of the cluster nodes to download iris_cli.

        And then, run the iris_cli command against the Cohesity Data Protect cluster to enable token-based claim feature flag:
        iris_cli -server CLUSTERIP cluster update-feature-flag feature-flag-name=heliosTokenClaimEnabled is-approved=true is-ui-feature=true reason="Use token based claim"
      5. Sign in to Cohesity Data Protect cluster
      6. Click the icon on the navigation menu.
      7. Paste the Token key that is created in step 2.c., then click Connect button.
      8. To verify that the cluster was successfully connected, log in to Data Management and navigate to All Clusters > Settings > Clusters. The Cluster Management page is displayed.

        If the cluster connection is successful, the Connection column displays the Connected status with green checkmark icon for the cluster.

    • To associate any cluster older than Cohesity Data Protect 7.1.1 with Data Management, you must run the claim_to_ibm script by completing these steps:
      1. Download the claim_to_ibm.tar script from IBM® Documentation by right-clicking claim_to_ibm.tar and saving it to the Downloads directory on your local system.
        Note: The script runs on Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows Subsystem for Linux®. This script uses cURL, which is an open source REST command-line tool that can be downloaded from the internet at no cost.
      2. Install cURL. To check whether cURL is already installed, issue the command curl -V from the terminal. If a version number is returned, cURL is already installed.
      3. Extract the claim_to_ibm.tar file that you downloaded in step 2.a. by issuing the following command from the terminal:
        tar xvf claim_to_ibm.tar
      4. Run the script by issuing the following command from the terminal:
        ./ -s=cluster_ip_address
        where cluster_ip_address is the IP address for the cluster.
        Tip: If you previously logged in to the cluster and changed the default password, use the -p parameter to specify your updated password.
        ./ -p=NewPassword
        where NewPassword is your updated password.
      5. When the script is run, a cluster URL is displayed.
  3. From a web browser, open the cluster URL and refresh the page.
    • If you previously logged in to the cluster URL and you already changed the default password, complete the following steps:
      1. Sign in to the cluster by entering your credentials.
      2. Click the icon on the navigation menu and then click Register with Helios.
      3. On the Helios page, click the Connect to Helios toggle to Enable a connection.
      4. Skip to step 4.
    • If this is your first time signing in, complete the following steps:
      1. Sign in by using the default credentials:
        • Username: admin
        • Password: admin
      2. Review and accept the End User License Agreement.
      3. From the Cluster Management page, select Manage in Helios SaaS and click Connect to Helios.
      4. From the License page, select Full Access Permissions, and click Continue.
      5. Continue to step 4.
  4. From the Cohesity Support Portal page, click MyCohesity Login. Specify the login credentials for the cluster management account.
    Important: To log in and associate a cluster with Data Management, you must specify the cluster management account credentials that were originally used to register with IBM Storage Defender. You cannot connect a cluster to Data Management by using any other credentials.
  5. You are prompted to change the default password.
    The Summary page for the Data Protect cluster is displayed.
  6. To verify that the cluster was successfully connected, log in to Data Management and click Settings > Clusters. The Cluster Management page is displayed.

    If the cluster connection was successful, the Connection column displays a Connected Green check mark icon status for the cluster.

  7. Repeat this procedure on each cluster that you want connected to Data Management.