Error code definitions for Ceph Object Gateway

The Ceph Object Gateway logs contain error and warning messages to assist in troubleshooting conditions in your environment. Some common ones are listed below with suggested resolutions.

Common error messages

data_sync: ERROR: a sync operation returned error
This is the high-level data sync process complaining that a lower-level bucket sync process returned an error. This message is redundant; the bucket sync error appears above it in the log.

data sync: ERROR: failed to sync object: BUCKET_NAME:OBJECT_NAME
Either the process failed to fetch the required object over HTTP from a remote gateway or the process failed to write that object to RADOS and it will be tried again.

data sync: ERROR: failure in sync, backing out (sync_status=2)
A low level message reflecting one of the above conditions, specifically that the data was deleted before it could sync and thus showing a -2 ENOENT status.

data sync: ERROR: failure in sync, backing out (sync_status=-5)
A low level message reflecting one of the above conditions, specifically that we failed to write that object to RADOS and thus showing a -5 EIO.

ERROR: failed to fetch remote data log info: ret=11
This is the EAGAIN generic error code from libcurl reflecting an error condition from another gateway. It will try again by default.

meta sync: ERROR: failed to read mdlog info with (2) No such file or directory
The shard of the mdlog was never created so there is nothing to sync.

Syncing error messages

failed to sync object
Either the process failed to fetch this object over HTTP from a remote gateway or it failed to write that object to RADOS and it will be tried again.

failed to sync bucket instance: (11) Resource temporarily unavailable
A connection issue between primary and secondary zones.

failed to sync bucket instance: (125) Operation canceled
A racing condition exists between writes to the same RADOS object.

ERROR: request failed: (13) Permission denied If the realm has been changed on the master zone, the master zone's gateway may need to be restarted to recognize this user.

While configuring the secondary site, sometimes a rgw realm pull --url http://primary_endpoint --access-key <> --secret <> command fails with a permission denied error.
In such cases, run the following commands on the primary site to ensure that the system user credentials are the same:
radosgw-admin user info --uid SYNCHRONIZATION_USER
radosgw-admin zone get
