Override type tree validation maps
To override the setting for the type tree validation maps, add
the setting for map work files ("-WU") to the
rule where the type tree validation maps are called:
- For X12 data, update the ValidateTrxDetail functional map to add the setting in the TTMapStatus TTValidateElement:TTValCheck:TrxDetailCheck rule
- For EDIFACT, update the ValidateMsgDetail functional map to add the setting to the TTMapStatus TTValidate element:TTValCheck:MsgDetailCheck rule
The updated rule might look similar to the following rule shown here (the updated option is underlined):
RUN( TTMapName TTValidate Element:TTValCheck:TrxDetailCheck,
// pass data using ECHOIN if < 1 MB (approx), otherwise use HANDLEIN
IF (SIZE(TTMapData TTValidate Element:TTValCheck:TrxDetailCheck) < 1000000,
ECHOIN( 1, TTMapData TTValidate Element:TTValCheck:TrxDetailCheck ),
" -WU " + HANDLEIN( 1, TTMapData TTValidate Element:TTValCheck:TrxDetailCheck )
+ " -OE1"
"MAPFAIL|" +TTMapName TTValidate Element:TTValCheck:TrxDetailCheck + "|" +