In this procedure, all types that are referenced by the
functional group types are copied to the multi-version tree.
Use these steps to merge the functional
group types to the multi-version tree:
- Open another industry subset tree that contains
the version information you want to use.
- In this industry subset tree, right-click
the F#### functional group type (Funct'lGroup)
under Inbound.
For example,
right-click F3040.
- From the menu, choose Merge.
The Merge Type dialog
box appears with the subset tree type to be merged in the From field.
- Enable the Merge sub-tree check
- Click anywhere in the multi-version tree
to select it as the target.
The name
of the multi-version tree appears in the To tree field
of the Merge Type dialog box.
- Click Merge.
- Click Close.
The additional inbound functional group types,
and all the types that are referenced by the inbound functional groups
are merged into the multi-version tree.
- Repeat steps 2 - 6, but select the functional
group F type under Outbound.
The multi-version tree now includes the necessary
types from the industry subset tree, the functional group types, elements,
composites, segments, and transaction sets.
If you want to include more versions in
the multi-version tree, repeat steps 1 through 7 using another industry
subset tree.
Always analyze and save your type
trees after modification.