
Generic Deenvelope service MT example

In the Generic Deenvelope service MT example, the swift_mt103_plus_nohdrs.mtt type tree File group, specifies the Restart flag on the following components:
  • Message MT103_Plus Category 1 TextBlock:mt103_plus

Generic Envelope service MT example

In the Generic Envelope service MT example, the single_credit_transfer_flat.mtt type tree in the File group specifies the Restart flag on the following component:
  • Record:single_credit_transfer_flat

Generic Deenvelope service MX example

In the Generic Deenvelope MX service example, the pacs.008.nnn.nn.xsd schema File group, specifies the Restart flag on the following components:
  • FIToFICstmrCdtTrf:sequence:pacs_008_nnn_nn

Generic Envelope service MX example

In the generic envelope service MX example, the cstmr_cdttrf_flat.mtt type tree in the File group, specifies the Restart flag on the following component:
  • Record:cstmrCrdtTrfFlat
This allows the WebSphere Transformation Extender map to continue to attempt to process the remaining transactions, even if an invalid transaction is found in the input file.