Update services

The Update services provide REST APIs using HTTP PUT to update resources.

In the following table, note that the base URLs for the Update and Delete services are identical, but the actions are different depending on whether they are used in a PUT for Update or as DELETE.

The Update services require the specification of an existing object identifier in order to update it with the new values.

The URL for each service is as follows:
Table 1. URLs for Update services
Resource type Location of Update service for the resource type
Map http://localhost:9080/spe/svc/maplists/:id
Document http://localhost:9080/spe/svc/documents/:id
Control numbers http://localhost:9080/spe/svc/controlnumbers/:id
Envelope http://localhost:9080/spe/svc/envelopes/:id
Schema http://localhost:9080/spe/svc/xmlschemas/:id