Importing configurable rules from the command line
You can import an XML file that contains user-configurable business rules into Standards Processing Engine database from the SPE console.
This procedure assumes that you complete two prerequisite tasks so that SPE can read the import file correctly.
- You must import the newest SPE_IE_Standard_Types_HIPAA.xsd file,
which is in the spe_install_dir/schema directory. If this file was not already imported, import it by running this command from the SPE console window:
- Windows operating system: bin\speimport.bat -xsd=schema\SPE_IE_Standard_Types_HIPAA.xsd
- All other platforms: bin/ -xsd=schema/SPE_IE_Standard_Types_HIPAA.xsd
- You must import the manually updated SPE_IE_Resources.xsd file
that enables the HIPAA Types schema. This file is included with the
HIPAA Types schema commented out in this manner:
You must manually edit this file and uncomment the section so it looks like this example:<!-- This section is used to support HIPAA configurable rules --> <!-- HIPAA_BEGIN <xs:include schemaLocation="SPE_IE_Standard_Types_HIPAA.xsd"/> HIPAA_END-->
<!-- This section is used to support HIPAA configurable rules --> <xs:include schemaLocation="SPE_IE_Standard_Types_HIPAA.xsd"/>
Then, you need to import the modified schema by running this command from the SPE console window:- Windows operating system: bin\speimport.bat -xsd=schema\SPE_IE_Resources.xsd
- All other operating systems: bin/ -xsd=schema/SPE_IE_Resources.xsd
This procedure begins with starting a console session and then importing the configurable rules file.