SPE Deenveloping service

The SPE Deenveloping service parses an inbound, enveloped EDI payload, checks the document for compliance, and extracts the transaction sets that it contains for further processing.

In addition, Sterling B2B Integrator users can pass any parameters into SPE, and therefore benefit from the Sterling B2B Integrator visibility functionality. This visibility functionality includes information on what SPE is attempting to do (envelope, deenvelope, transform, or run a driver), and whether the action succeeded or failed. Also, every event includes tracking information that can be passed in by the application that hosts SPE.

Category Description
Service name Deenveloping Service
Type Service. Implementation type: Java class.
System name User assigned
Graphical Process Modeler (GPM) categories All Services

Parses an inbound, enveloped EDI payload. The service checks the document for compliance, and extracts the transaction sets that it contains for further processing. Use of the service requires that supporting resources such as envelopes and maps are loaded into SPE .

De-enveloping is always done immediately.

Business usage Allows Sterling B2B Integrator users to run EDIFACT, X12, and HIPAA de-enveloping operations by using SPE , whose translator strongly supports WebSphere® Transformation Extender maps and provides HIPAA support.
Usage example A Sterling B2B Integrator customer wants to process healthcare data. They purchase SPE for its HIPAA support and use the SPE Deenveloping Service, along with their existing Sterling B2B Integrator business processes, to de-envelope HIPAA documents.
Pre-configured? No
Requires third-party files? The database driver for the SPE database is required if the default Derby database is not used. Other required third-party files are obtained from the SPE installation during the installation and integration process.
Platform availability

Available on platforms that are supported by both SPE and Sterling B2B Integrator.

See detailed system requirements at http://www-947.ibm.com/support/entry/portal/.

Related services None.
Application requirements Installation and setup of SPE and integration with Sterling B2B Integrator. WebSphere Transformation Extender is required to use the WTX map type.
Initiates business processes?


Invocation Event driven. You explicitly start it in the business process.
Business process context considerations None.
Returned status values

Status is on a per-document basis.

Deenveloping completes, with or without errors. If some documents are not successfully de-enveloped, the status is still Success if the service completes. Any failed document operation is reported.
The service did not complete.
Restrictions None
Persistence level System default
Testing considerations
Logs from SPE appear in these locations:
  • In speservices.log
  • As separate log files in your SI_INSTALL/logs directory
  • In the Status Report, unless turned off with the AppendLogsToStatusReport parameter

Configuration parameters

Set the properties to connect to the SPE database in the spe_install_dir/dbprops.cfg file.

Parameters passed from business process to service

Parameter name (display name) Element value (BPML) Type Description Possible values Configure in GPM or in UI? Default value Required or optional?
AppendLogsToStatusReport AppendLogsToStatusReport string Whether to append the SPE logs to the status report.
SPE logs are appended to the status report. If debug is off and the process runs successfully, there are generally no logs.
Does not append SPE logs to the status report.
GPM True Optional
EDISyntax EDISyntax String Specify a value for this parameter if you know the syntax of the incoming document, and that the document contains only one interchange. Specifying the syntax allows the SPEDeenveloping service to bypass the extractor, improving speed. X12
GPM None Optional. Do not specify a value if the input file contains more than one interchange or if the file syntax is unknown.
ErrorOnUnrecognizedData ErrorOnUnrecognizedData String If there is unrecognized data, the de-enveloping process still normally reports "success" with a report in the status report.
If unrecognized data is present in the input file, an error status results upon de-enveloping.
Success is reported in the status report even if unrecognized data is present in the input file.
GPM False  
PersistIntermediateDoc PersistIntermediateDoc String Whether to persist intermediate document
Persist intermediate document for purposes of correlation tracking.
Do not persist intermediate documents. Improves performance.
Note on precedence: Business process setting in GPM overrides the global value, if one is set in SPE.properties for this property.
False Optional

Parameters passed from service to business process

No parameters are passed.

Business process example

<process name="SPEDeenv">
  <operation name="Spedeenvelope">
     <participant name="SPEDeenveloping"/>
           <output message="SPEDeInputMessage">
       	       <assign to="." from="*"/>
           <input message="inmsg">
             	<assign to="." from="*"></assign>

Business process example: passing parameters

In addition to the parameters previously defined, the SPEContextParms.name=value is the mechanism by which Sterling B2B Integrator users can pass any parameters into SPE.

This sample business process is used to add process data parameters in a name-value comma delimited string named SPEContextParms.
<process name="SPEDeenvelopeX12">
 <operation name="DeenvelopeX12">
  <participant name="SPEDeenvelopingService"/>
   <output message="SPEDenvInputMessage">
         <assign to="." from="*"></assign>
                <assign to="SPEContextParms.Boston">Bruins</assign>
         <assign to="SPEContextParms.Philadelphia">Phillies</assign>
         <assign to="SPEContextParms.Columbus">Blue_Jackets</assign>
         <assign to="SPEContextParms.Detroit">Red_Wings</assign>
       <input message="inmsg">
         <assign to="." from="*"></assign>

In this way, these options get added as strings to the SPEOptions map and passed into the SPE methods (envelope, de-envelope, and transform).


XPathToCopyPDToSPE service parameter

This service parameter assigns the xpath that is used to select all or part of the process data tree in Sterling B2B Integrator and copy it into the SPE service. The XML fragment is then parsed and stored into the SPE process data tree. For example:
  1. To select the entire process data tree in Sterling B2B Integrator, use one of these xpaths.
    • <assign to="XPathToCopyPDToSPE">/*</assign>
    • <assign to="XPathToCopyPDToSPE">/ProcessData</assign>
  2. To select all elements under a specific element in the process data tree, use one of these xpaths.
    • <assign to="XPathToCopyPDToSPE">/ProcessData/SubElementName/*</assign>
    • <assign to="XPathToCopyPDToSPE">/ProcessData/SubElementName1/SubElementName2/*</assign>

The Process Data tree elements returned by SPE are not automatically copied to the Sterling B2B Integrator Process Data tree. To copy all of the process data elements from SPE into the B2Bi process data tree, use the CopyPDFromSPEToElement option.

CopyPDFromSPEToElement service parameter

This service parameter takes the process data tree returned from SPE and copies it into a subelement in the process data tree in Sterling B2B Integrator. This step is necessary to avoid duplicates that may occur if the contents of the SPE process data tree is copied to the root of the Sterling B2B Integrator process data tree. For example:

<assign to="CopyPDFromSPEToElement">SPE1</assign>