Generating a pending acknowledgment status report

You can generate and download a report of pending acknowledgment statuses for enveloped documents.

A pending acknowledgment status is especially helpful when an acknowledgment for a document is overdue; that is, when it is not received from a trading partner within the interval that was configured at envelope creation. If you do not anticipate receiving an acknowledgment for a document, you can delete the status line for that document from the report.

  1. From the Trading Partner UI, click Acknowledgment status. Filter if needed to restrict the list of results.

    The Pending acknowledgment status page is displayed, showing pending acknowledgments by Envelope Type, Sender Id, Receiver Id, Control Number, Ack Status (WAITING, OVERDUE), Type, and Ack Overdue Time (date and time at which the acknowledgment became overdue).

    If no acknowledgments are pending, the status page is empty.

  2. You can download or delete reports:
    • To download the report, click on the report file pending-acks-report.xml and save the file.
    • To delete the acknowledgment status line for a document, highlight the status line on the report and click Delete.
    • To delete all acknowledgment statuses, click Delete All.