Scenario 3: Upgrading ITX, ITXA, and Sterling B2B Integrator

In this scenario, WebSphere® Transformation Extender is upgraded to ITX, SPE is upgraded to ITXA, and Sterling B2B Integrator is upgraded.

If you update your ITXA and ITX product versions and are invoking ITXA through Sterling B2B Integrator, your compiled maps and your ITX and ITXA runtime components must be at the same version. ITX runtime components are backward compatible only. They do not work with newer version maps.

It is possible to have two versions of WebSphere Transformation Extender/ITX and SPE/ITXA installed on a single server. It is recommended to keep the installed components in separate directories.

Requirement: ITXA V10.0.1.8 requires ITX V10.1 or higher and Sterling B2B Integrator V6.1.1 or higher
  1. Upgrade WebSphere Transformation Extender to ITX V10.1 or higher.

    If the ITX installation directory changed, comment out the existing WebSphere Transformation Extender VENDOR_JAR entries in b2bi_install_dir/properties/dynamicclasspath.cfg

  2. Upgrade SPE to ITXA V10.0.1.5 or higher.
  3. Upgrade your Sterling B2B Integrator installation as required.

    If the ITXA installation directory has changed, comment out the existing SPE VENDOR_JAR entries in b2bi_install_dir/properties/dynamicclasspath.cfg

  4. Compile compliance and transformation maps with the new version of ITX.
  5. Load the new compiled maps into the Sterling B2B Integrator map repository.
  6. Edit the following properties in b2bi_install_dir/properties/sandbox.cfg:
    # set this value to where SPE is installed.
    # present only if WTX is installed. 						
    # port that the SPE user interface uses.					
    # set by installService, this port must be referenced in the SPE file
    Note: The httpPort value in /tpuiserver/usr/servers/defaultServer/server.xml defaults to 9080.
  7. In b2bi_install_dir/properties/sandbox.cfg, note these values for later use:
    • The IP address of the machine where Sterling B2B Integrator, ITX, and ITXA are installed:
    • The port on which the RESTAPI web application in Sterling B2B Integrator listens:
  8. If you are upgrading ITX or ITXA and you are changing either the spe_install_dir and wtx_install_dir files to point to different locations, you must edit the b2bi_install_dir/properties/dynamicclasspath.cfg file to comment out these existing entries for the ITX and ITXA jars:
  9. In the ITXA file, uncomment (but do not edit) the following lines if necessary.
    # the port should be set to the value of the REST_HTTP_SERVER_PORT in sandbox.cfg above.
    # the ip address is that of the SBI install which should be installed on same machine as SPE.
  10. Update your Trading Partner UI configuration in tpuiserver/usr/servers/defaultServer/server.xml.
  11. Use the Sterling B2B Integrator InstallService to install the b2bi4spe.jar file.
  12. Verify your installation as described in Scenario 1: Installing ITXA and Sterling B2B Integrator as a new installation.