Passing process data from the local environment to SPE
In the IBM® Integration Bus nodes, you can set options under ProcessData in the local environment to pass process data to SPE.
For example, in an SPE Transform
node you can set the following value:
SET OutputLocalEnvironment.SPE.ProcessData.DriverTrackingID = 'input_2';
This code passes the DriverTrackingID option to SPE with a value of input_2.
The SPE IBM Integration Bus nodes also output values to ProcessData in the local environment. As a result, if multiple SPE nodes are used in a flow, ProcessData output from one node are passed automatically as options to later SPE nodes unless an intermediate node removes or changes the ProcessData values.
The SPE options are the same as those that are passed in from Sterling B2B Integrator using the SPEContextParms. These options are documented in the Javadoc files under the SPEOptions class.