The examples directory contains examples for converting between SEPA formats and various national formats, as well as other SEPA components.
The formats for various countries that are supported by examples in the SEPA components are these:
- Germany, DTAUS – see \examples\germany
- France, MINOS, CFONB – see \examples\france
- United Kingdom, BACS – see \examples\uk
- Italy, RNI – see \examples\italy
- passthrough subdirectory – see \examples\passthrough. Contains an example for validating a message against a schema in the z/OS environment along with a sample of the JCL required to run it.
- pain_pacs subdirectory – see \examples\pain_pacs Contains example maps used to create interbank messages from customer-to-bank messages and bank-to-customer messages.
- bundle subdirectory – see \examples\bundle. Contains an example that demonstrates techniques that are useful to those SEPA implementers who need to bundle SEPA data in the EBA STEP2 message format.
- unbundle subdirectory – see \examples\unbundle. Contains example maps, type trees, data, and C source code that is used for unbundling/shredding bulks of messages.
- sample_jcl subdirectory – see \examples\samples_jcl. Contains an example that shows how to run the SEPA components validation maps on z/OS.
- swiftfin subdirectory – see \examples\swiftfin. Contains an example that describes the SEPA components format converter for the SWIFTNet FIN format.
- epc_mapsandschemas subdirectory. Contains an example validation map source that uses the EPC published schemas for the relevant payments clearing and settlement messages by using native schema mapping. These maps can be used as a replacement for the main validation maps to improve performance, since these maps use the EPC schema subset of the ISO20022 schema.
Note the following points about the examples:
- They are supplied as examples only, and are not to be considered a full set of all possible conversions. The domestic type trees that are supplied with the SEPA components support basic syntactic validation, but do not provide for full validation.
- The SEPA type trees that are used in the converters are the ISO20022 type trees. The transformation rules are best estimates. Pay particular attention to BIC and IBAN conversions, since these conversions might require the use of extra reference data that only you can access.
Each examples subdirectory contains a readme file that describes how to run the example.