Performance tuning

The best configuration settings for the map RUN calls for the type tree validation map, and the segment validation map, depend on the size of the transactions to be processed by the compliance check maps. The default setting, uses work files that are in memory, and is best for small to medium size transactions. The transaction size at which performance improves by using a work file on disk, depends upon the amount of memory available after other applications and services are taken into account.

The current framework is set up to handle small data as quickly as possible. If your large data is taking longer than expected to process, you can create a copy of one, or both of the ccx12 and the ccedf maps. You can then change the work file setting in the following rule, or rules, so called maps use work files on disk, instead of in memory. These rules are to be changed only if individual transactions are large. If the interchange is large but contains only small or medium-sized transactions, then these rules do not need to be changed.