Funct'lGroup subtree

The types under the Funct'lGroup category represent functional groups in the X12 version.

To allow for partner-specific definitions, the functional group types are organized under the category Partner, representing functional groups that are exchanged with a generic trading partner. Under Partner, the types are then organized by Inbound and Outbound. Subtypes of Inbound and Outbound are identical. Inbound and Outbound both have a subtype that is named F, followed by the X12 version. For example, F4030 is the name of the functional group type in the ansi4030.mtt type tree.

The first segment of a functional group is the GS segment. The GS segment includes information about trading partners, the X12 version of the data, and the types of transaction sets that are contained within the functional group.

Expand the Funct'lGroup category to see all the functional groups in the X12 version. Each functional group type is named according to the kinds of transaction sets that are contained within it. There are two possibilities for the type name of a functional group: name the type the transaction set number or name the type after the value of the element.

  • If only one transaction set can appear within the functional group, its type name is the transaction set number. For example, in the functional group that contains purchase orders, the transaction set #850, can contain only purchase orders. It cannot contain any other transaction set. Therefore, the name of the functional group type is #850.

The following group window displays the components of the functional group #850 in the ansi4030.mtt type tree. Notice that the second component is a series of #850 transaction sets.

  • If there can be more than one transaction set within a functional group, the type name of the functional group is the value of the FunctionalIDCd Element. For example, the CF functional group can contain both #844 and #849 transaction sets. The type name of the functional group, then, is the value of the FunctionalIDCd Element, which is CF. Each functional group has a unique value for the FunctionalIDCd Element.
Note: There is one exception to the naming convention. One functional group has a FunctionalIDCd Element whose value is IN. This functional group can contain Invoices, the #810, and Operating Expense Statements, the #819. Because IN is a reserved word in the Design Studio, the type name cannot be IN, so its name is IE.

As more industries join the EDI community, the list of functional groups gets longer. When you make your own tree from an ANSI tree, delete the functional groups that you have no interest in. For example, if you create your own tree from the ansi4030.mtt tree, delete the functional group types under F4030, under Inbound, that you are not currently receiving. Then, do the same for the F4030 group under Outbound; delete the functional groups that you are not sending out. Remember you can always add them back later.