View correlations in Sterling B2B Integrator for documents that are processed in SPE

You can query and view correlation data from the Sterling B2B Integrator Admin Console for documents that are enveloped, de-enveloped, or transformed in SPE.

The search correlation search feature in Sterling B2B Integrator is enabled by default.

Reminder: Run correlation searches in Sterling B2B Integrator from the Admin Console under Administration Menu > Business Processes > Monitor > Advanced Search.

How to search for correlations

Correlation searches in Sterling B2B Integrator are run from on the Admin Console. See the options under Administration Menu > Business Processes > Monitor > Advanced Search.

Procedure Where procedure is documented
Enable the correlation search feature in Sterling B2B Integrator
Note: This action is only necessary if the feature is disabled, as it is enabled by default.
Enable the new correlation search
Search for correlations by date of process execution, type, location, or name-value pair Search for correlations
Search for correlations by document Search for document correlations
Search for correlations by standard Search for EDI correlations

Differences in correlation data that is returned from SPE

Correlation results in SPE have two differences when compared to Sterling B2B Integrator:
  • If the SPE Enveloping Service is used in a Sterling B2B Integrator business process, correlation data from SPE indicates -1 in the Business Process column.
  • If the SPE Deenveloping Service is used, the correlation data from SPE indicates 0 business process matches.

These differences occur because SPE does not use business processes in document processing.