Starting and stopping the Trading Partner UI from the Start menu

You can start the UI from the Start menu or from the application console.

This procedure assumes that your industry packs are installed and configured.

To start the Trading Partner UI from the Start menu:

  1. From the Start menu, select IBM Standards Processing Engine 9.0.0 > SPE Console window.
  2. From the Start menu, select IBM Standards Processing Engine 9.0.0 > SPE Persistence Database > Start the SPE Persistence Database.
  3. To start the Trading Partner UI server from the Start menu, select IBM Standards Processing Engine 9.0.0 > SPE Trading Partner UI > Start the UI.
  4. To view the Trading Partner UI console, open a browser to the address http://localhost:9080/spe/myspe.
    The login for the default System Administrator is admin. The password for the default login is admin.

Stopping the Trading Partner UI

When you are finished, reverse the UI start sequence:
  1. Log out of Standards Processing Engine: from the Trading Partner UI, select System Administrator > Log Out
  2. Close the browser.
  3. From the Start menu, select IBM Standards Processing Engine 9.0.0 > SPE Trading Partner UI > Stop the Trading Partner UI.
  4. From the Start menu, select IBM Standards Processing Engine 9.0.0 > SPE Persistence Database > Stop the SPE Persistence Database.
  5. If open, close the SPE Console window 9.0.0.